Chapter 7

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Elentiya took a quick glance around the room, looking for every exit she could possibly find. She probably wouldn't need one, but she was brought up that way: scan the area for exits to escape if necessary. She was also taught to check for weapons: either to use or that could be used as a danger against her.

Apart from her there were just men at the table. Hollin and Castol were present, but some other guys she didn't know were there. Five men were sat at table. They all seemed quite rich and three of the men wore the same uniform as Castol - they must have been some of the Seven Captains. Of whom they gave a displeasing look to, probably because he wasn't wearing his jacket and she was. The other two didn't seem much like fighters, more like higher nobility. She wasn't really listening but she picked up that the older man, close to the age of 50 was Hollin's Uncle Seric and the younger man, Rayner, who looked definitely in his 20s, but older than Castol in a way. She didn't know why but he looked very familiar, maybe he just had one of those faces, Elentiya thought and dismissed him.

"I want to make her one of father's elites." Hollin enquired and as soon as those words were said, all eyes were fixed on her.

Elentiya felt very uncomfortable; she wasn't one to be looked at by many people - being an assassin and all. Constantly she was told not to be seen by a crowd.

She started to blush as she felt Rayner's eyes set on her crossed bare legs. She wished that Castol's jacket were longer, like one of the other guards, who she also found gazing at legs. She'd rather be presented in the rags she wore on the streets, than her violet coloured, thigh high nightgown.

"Hi," she said with a girlish charm, waving at all the Captains.

After an awkward silence, Rayner started to speak. "I think the King would be delighted to have her. It's not every day we have offers from first class assassins." He winked at her, "Especially the Crimson Assassin."

Elentiya couldn't fathom a guess on how Rayner knew who she was, but as those three last words were said; like magic the Captains were brought to attention, hands on their weapons.

Frankly Elentiya was quite pleased that her name's notoriety was big enough to cause the Captains to be uneasy. Of course they would be, when she was on the 'Top Ten Most Wanted Criminals' list for several nations. Plus they had tried to catch her numerous times before, but Elentiya was just too good for them.

"If this is another one of your stunts, Hollin -" The fourth, Captain Lozier said, but didn't finish his sentence.

Another one of his stunts, Elentiya thought to herself as she turned to Hollin, who just gave her a devilishly, innocent smile. She might have to rethink about him. She had experienced before on a job that a rebellious royal was one of the worst kind of troubles you could come across.

"I assure you Captain Lozier; she is the real deal," Castol explained, "Even though she may be a bit out of shape."

Normally Elentiya would have intervened and said some witty remarks, but Castol had warned her to stay on their good sides. They weren't to be messed with, especially in her position. It was hard for her not to say anything. Castol on the other hand was obviously enjoying the silence from her.

She wanted to ram a knife through his neck, upon seeing his smug face. She could feel her rage bubbling, almost about to spill. Her anger was becoming uncontrollable lately. She calmed herself down, not wanting anything unnecessary to happen.

"Well, even if she isn't, which she is, she will have to pass the exhibition." Rayner announced.

"Exhibition?" The word slipped out before she realised she just spoke.

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