Spell 6.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Pin - to get your blood Small glass Midnight Element of darkness - think dark thoughts Loud voice

This spell actually works, you will become a vampire 3 days after you do this spell.

Prick yourself with the pin and get as many drops of blood you can into the glass.
Chant this only once.

' Take my soul and bend it, shape it and turn me into a vampire. I call upon the mistress of Vampires, make me one of your kind.'

Drink the blood, and while you do think dark thoughts. Think of what you want to do as a vampire. Go to bed.

Over the next 3 days you should experience the effects of vampirism taking place. You should start to feel a burning sensation in your mouth and throat, like your thirst is not quenched. Your canines should sharpen and you will find yourself running/walking faster. All your senses will be heightened.

Spell 7.

You will need the following items for this spell:

day or night (better during night during a full or new moon) belief in vampires

this spell will make you become a vapire in 1 hour side efects are : burning in the sun stomach aches head aches long and sharp teeth cravings for weird things EX: meatball subs with onions



Spell 8.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Sterilized Needle White Candle New Moon Items to Represent the Elements Something to make a circle on the floor with (chalk, rope, string, etc.) Salt Cup of Dirt Picture of Yourself( can be drawn or a photo, old or new) Wand (Optional) Athame or just a plane knife
This spell transforms you into a vampire. I wouldn't recommend performing it unless you truly are serious about Turning. This spell is to be performed on the night of a New moon.

First, you need to cast a circle. If you don't know how to do this, then Google it. You can use a wand to help control your energy. Place an item in each direction of the circle as you call the elements and invoke the God and Goddess. You can use salt to purify your circle by sprinkling it around the perimeter. Now that all of that is done, we can begin the spell.
Sit in the center of the circle, staring down at the photo of yourself. All of your ingredients should be inside of the circle. Light the white candle and sit it next to the photo. Say:
"Humanity, Humanity, inside of my soul. For you, I have paid the ultimate toll. My humanity is like my life- It is like a flame. But I am tired of this boring game. Everything is always the same."
Pick up your athame/knife and hold it above the photo of yourself. Say:
"I no longer want to live or ever tire. I want to die and be reborn. Not as a human, but as a vampire." Stab the photo of yourself with the knife and then pick up the dirt and sprinkle it over the photo. Say:
"With this dirt that is part of this world. May my humanity be buried and never return. There's no going back from this new torment. No longer shall I know humanity. No longer shall I live like others. No longer shall I breathe or eat. I thirst for blood. I live for blood. I breathe for blood. Gods and Goddesses, please fulfill my transformation."
Pick up the needle and prick your middle finger (it hurts less on this finger) and then use your blood to put out the flame. Say:
"I am reborn. The transformation is complete."
Drink the rest of the blood from your wound and then clean everything up. It is best if you do this before bed. The transformation differs from person to person. Okay, hope this spell works for you. 

Spell 9.

You will need the following items for this spell: 

·This spell  ·Believe  ·Night time

This spell is designed to Twilight Lovers who wish to become a vampire in one night!

Chant this spell 10 times;

Spirits of the un-dead I ask you please to turn me into a vampire. My skin will be like a granite, unbreakable. I will get one special gift which will be ______. I can feed on both human and animal blood,if I bite a human and leave it alive the human will begin turning into a vampire, The transformation will be painfull and will take 3 hours. I will have super strength,super speed,super senses. My eyes will be bright red if I drink human blood and golden if I drink animal blood and black if I am hungry. I will sparkle in the sunlight if I want to. My teeth will be unbreakable and I will NOT have fangs, I will have normal teeth that are razor sharp. And this is my will SO MOTE IT BE!!!

After the spell you will turn into a vampire. This IS PERMANENT SO THINK BEFORE YOU CAST THIS SPELL!!

Spell 10.

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 night time or morning 1 alone 1 nothing

Become A Vampire In A Few Days Or A Week At The Most When You Say It Say At 9:00 Pm But No Later Than 10:30 PM Or 9:00 Am to 10:30 Pm

At Night Or Morning Inside Or Outside

Chant These Words 10 Times

Blood Red

Pale Skin

Moonlight Draw Me In

Quench My Thirst Coarsing Vains

Let My Body Feel No Pain

Say It 3 Times Or It Won't Work

Side Effects:
Small Fangs
Blood Cravings
Head Aches
Teeth Going Numb
Fang Aches
Children Becoming Vampires No Choice
Senses Are Different
Not Finding Blood And Dying
Not Being Seen In Mirrors
Not Being Seen In Pictures Or Videos
Girls Can't Master Putting Thier Makeup on

Good Things About The Spell:
You Can Fly
You Can Have "Super" Hearing
You Can Run Extremly Fast
You Glow When Looked At Through Night Vision Goggles
If You Hate Your Picture Being Taken You Won't Show Up

Works Great For Kids Who's Ages Are 11-18

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