~Three~ Just call me Dru

Start from the beginning

Saffy lead the way into the house where I was welcomed with the smell of meat cooking. The house was not big but it wasn’t small either. The hall was cream and seemed to lead straight from the front door to, what I'm guessing was the kitchen. The stairs were to my right and so was a very large sitting room that looked new.

“I’m making lasagne in honour of your visit darling, so if you want to go and settle in and be back down here for, let’s say two? Ok? That damn cat and its damn meowing!   Your room’s the last on the right” she informs me before turning and walking down the hall into the kitchen. I then hear the ‘damn cat’ faintly outside.

Oh Saffy.

I make my way upstairs looking at the family photos that are set on the alcove shelving.

At the end of the hall I turn right into my room for the next three months.

The first thing you see when you enter the room is the window facing the back garden of Saffy’s and the back of a house identical to the one I'm in. Looking down into the garden I can see our garden is mainly grass but with a gravel path leading from what must be the back door directly below my room, turning right, at a sharp ninety degree angle, and leading out through a gate which has been installed inside the 6ft wooden fence that seems to surround every home.

I can see over next door’s fence but only so that the door of their coal shed is visible and the top of their back door.

To the right of my window is my double bed! Yeah baby! In London I had to make do with a single. The bedding is a purple/pink/blue mix with white splatters. At the foot of my bed is a modern, grey loveseat with pink, floral, white and Aztec-print cushions. Perfect for reading!

To the left of the window is a large white desk with a sleek black chair. With a Mac book sitting atop it.

Wow. Peter must be loaded.

On my immediate left is a white dresser which has a make-up mirror on top and four drawers below. Against the left wall is a large wooden wardrobe with brass handles.

This suits me perfectly.

Before throwing my tired body onto the pile of comfort that is my bed, I hang up my black poster inside the frame above it

‘Always be yourself, unless you are a unicorn then always be a unicorn”

I slide my suitcases under my bed and rip off my green parka before throwing it onto my desk chair.

Holy crap on a cracker this is one comfy-ass bed.

I fall asleep for the second time in an hour thinking of my flight and a tattooed, blue-eyed boy.

“It’s so hard you know? Cos’ like I loved him Fanny! I like, really loved him and then I came home to Sofia in my bed. MY BED! With my man! I’m never getting over him Fanny. What we had was too good .No one will ever replace Matthew. He was great in bed too you know? He was like all mysterious and dark everywhere we went and then he turns into some wild animal ripping my clothes off at every chance he gets. I swear Fanny when he went down on me...it was magic. And for his height he has an abnormally large.....”

Before I could hear anymore about this Matthew guy and his package, I turned and covered my head with a pillow and groaned.

Another voice interrupted the drone “Hey, are you awake?”

“Fine Fanny; don’t listen to how I lost the love of my life! Entertain your slutty cousin!”

“Jesus Katy, just leave already! And she’s not a slut. You don’t even know her yet”

Patience (A Punk Niall Horan Romance)Where stories live. Discover now