"You are too kind, my lord. But my attempt--"

"--carried more feeling. A song without feeling is no song at all, which Caewen would do well to learn. Have you determined yet who sent her the harp?"

"How do you--"

"How do I know? Dearest lady, I suspect everyone in this room knows, perhaps the entire Woodland Realm. Caewen may wish to keep her secrets, but her mother sees little point in them."

Her hair was long, her limbs were white,

And fair she was and free

"That is certainly true." I notice Aethel is watching her daughter with a smile which could light the beacons of Gondor. "I am not closely acquainted with Caewen. I would not even know where to begin in guessing. But I warrant whoever he is, he is...interested."

"I would say so."

"Do you know who sent it, Lord Ferdir?"

"Ferdir. And no, I cannot say for certain, but I have a few guesses." He lowers his voice further. "One in particular shall take you by surprise."

"You act as though they are in this very room."

"You are astute."

Where now she wanders none can tell,

In sunlight or in shade

The mischievous glint in his bronze eyes is puzzling. "If your guess is Prince Legolas, I can assure you he only has eyes for our Captain of the Guard. But you have not been around us long enough to know."

"Yes, he is in love with Tauriel. I surmised it the night I arrived. You are not thinking hard enough, my lady."

Ferdir continues watching Caewen as though keen on hearing every lyric. I wonder if my newest friend might be a bit of a troublemaker. Who could he possibly be alluding to? Lord Amdiron has a wife waiting in Valinor, and Ada is not even worth contemplating.

"If this is your idea of a jest, your skills are lacking," I tease.

"Do you give up?"

"I...yes, of course. I have no other choice." I playfully roll my eyes. "But now you have piqued my curiosity."

"I believe King Thranduil sent her the harp."

I laugh out loud. I cannot prevent it. Quickly I cover my mouth to stifle the sound. Lady Aethel casts a displeased glance over her shoulder.

"I was wrong," I whisper after the Lady turns back around. "The joke was quite funny. Well done."

"I was being serious."

At first, I do not believe him. But when he does not speak further, I realize his sideways grin is absent, and his dark eyes lack their humor. I step back, feeling a twist of unpleasant emotions. Troublemaker, indeed.

When dawn came dim the land was lost,

The mountains sinking grey

Beyond the heaving waves that tossed

Their plumes of blinding spray

"You have clearly had too much wine, so I shall forgive you. Consider putting down your goblet before you start spouting out this impossibility to someone who will not be so kind."

"Why is it impossible, my lady? Even my father noted Lady Aethel has never before been invited to the King's own chambers. It is interesting she received an invitation now that her daughter has returned..."

"His harpist has been unavailable for some time now. Caewen plays the harp. It makes sense." I strain not to raise my voice. "His wife waits for him in the Undying Lands."

"Do not be so sure." He sneaks a glance at Thranduil, who is still sitting in his chair a world away. "I have heard she did not love him."

"What a preposterous claim. Why would she not love him?"

Ferdir raises his brow. "You and your father may be close to him, but the rest of us see how cold he is. An ice king would be a fitting title, if only his cave was not made of stone."

"Where did you hear such a rumor? Is gossip a favorite pastime in Lórien?"

"I will not tell you from whom I heard it, for their sake, but I believe its validity." He looks back at the King. "See how he watches her."

Despite my reluctance, I look. Thranduil is watching Caewen with the barest hint of a smile on his shadowed face, his eyes unmoving. An unpleasant sensation roils in my stomach. I shake my head and the sensation leaves.

Of old he was an Elven-king

A lord of tree and glen

"Caewen sings as if she is one of the Maiar. Do you not see how everyone is entranced? This rumor was invented by a gossip who holds a grudge against the King. I shall never believe it."

"Then forgive me," Ferdir says sincerely. "When you find out the sender of her gift, please let me know. I am...curious."

The wind was in his flowing hair,

The foam about him shone;

Afar they saw him strong and fair

Go riding like -

A host of guards suddenly strides through the door, led by the Captain of the Guard. Tauriel's flaming hair clings to her neck in wet strands, evidence she has been in a hard rain. There is blood on her hands. Her usual placid features appear distressed, even afraid.

"What is it?" The King asks, standing.

"My lord." She keeps her head bowed. "We were ambushed by orcs. Gollum has escaped."

A/N:  Thanks for all your kind words, your votes and follows! You might not realize how something so small can make such a difference, but it does.

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