The Football Game

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Rachel's p.o.v.

Once I got to Anthony's I rang the doorbell and his dad shortly came to the door, "hello, Anthony told me you were gonna stop by."

I laughed, "did he plan for me to come before he even asked me?"

"I guess so, but come on in, he got you something to wear to the game tonight."

My jaw dropped, "I didn't want him to get me anything, I would've found something to wear," I exclaimed, I wasn't mad, I was just shocked.

"Well, it's fine, he really wanted to get you something," his dad basically pushed me into the house. "Look on the couch," his dad told me, I turned towards the couch and saw an amazingly, beautiful dress, the top of it was white and had a belt that was worn around the waste and the bottom was a light blue that was longer in the back and shorter in the front.

I went over to it and picked it up, "why did he get me this?"

"He said you would need something to wear to the game tonight," his dad replied.

"He didn't tell me that until today at school," I said with suspicion in my voice.

"Fine, this was his mom's when she was your age, he said it would fit you and begged to give it to you. I honestly don't know why I kept it all these years instead of donating it, I kept it when we first divorced, but that's in the past," his dad said with a smile, "now you keep this, go home and get changed and later we'll go to the game," I smiled and pranced to my house.

Later that day...
Anthony's p.o.v.

I can't wait to see Rachel in the dress, I can't wait to ask her out, I can't wait to win tonights game for her, "Anthony," I heard the coach shout, "what has gotten into you, come on boy, snap out of it, whatever 'it' is," he said to me.

"Sorry, I was thinking about tonight," I said.

"Don't get nervous, boy, you'll do fine," he said to me, I hope so, I can't wait until tonight, I hope she says yes.

"Hey man," I looked up to see Ray, he was like, my best friend, I know it seems kind of weird but he knows everything about me... including Rachel, "are you nervous about tonight?"

"No, I think I'll be able to play just fine," he gave me a look, almost staring through my soul.

"I mean with Rachel."

"Oh, that, I'm kind of nervous, I feel like she'll say no," I said, "have you seen her?"

Ray shrugged, "I don't know, what does she look like?"

"Quiet, shy, brown, shoulder-length hair, short, always wears skinny jeans, glasses," I stopped explaining her appearance whenever the coach came over.

"Come on guys, hustle, hustle, hustle, we don't have much time to waste, we only have," he took his phone out of his pocket and said, "an hour until people start coming," my jaw dropped,  we only have an hour until the game starts?

Rachel's p.o.v.

I heard a knock at my door and went to answer it, "hi," Joan said happily.

I smiled back at him, "how's school going for you," I asked him.

He shrugged, "boring as usual, I can't wait until I'm in eighth grade because that's when I can start trying out for sports that aren't run by parents.

"That's cool."

"Are you ready to go," his dad asked me, "we can get some hot dogs or something when we get there," I held up a finger telling him to wait and I ran into another room to grab my purse, wallet, money, and phone.

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