The Presentation

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1st person
Rachel's p.o.v.

It's now Friday, dinner at Anthony's house nice, he's giving me a ride to school... could he actually like me, the football game is today... and... presenting, I got out of my thoughts when I heard a honk outside. I grabbed my bag and ran to Anthony's car, "are you excited for the game tonight," Anthony asked with a smile.

"Yes, I can't wait."

"Do you know the rules of football?"

"I know enough to know what's going on, but, presenting, I'm not ready for."

"Don't worry about it, I'll be right by you the entire time, make sure you take deep breaths too."

"I have know idea if that will help a hopeless wreck like me," I said with a sad face.

"You're not a hopeless wreck, there's no problem with being shy," Anthony told me, he pulled up at the school and before we parted ways he gave me a hug, I accepted it. This is amazing, I don't want this to end, this is too romantic for him just wanting to stay friends, after a minute he let go and said, "talk to you in English, bye."

"Bye," I said quietly, "wait," I ran to catch up with him, "what was that hug for, I mean, I wasn't crying or anything."

"Oh, ummm, it was a see you soon hug, just a simple, friendly hug," he said.

 "Okay," I said with a little doubt in my voice, it felt like more, "see you in English," I waved bye and walked to my first class.

Later in the day...

I was walking to Miss Smith's class freaking out, I'm gonna fail so bad. I walked in and saw Anthony sitting in his desk, but something was wrong about the picture, Mak was in my seat, "you were hugging her, and she was at your house? I can't believe you can break up with me and go to someone else in the blink of an eye."

"I'm not going out with her, we've just become really good friends since we've broken up," I walked up and leaned by Anthony, "save me," Anthony whispered to me, he looked at Mak and said, "okay, time for you to go back to your seat."

"I'm not getting up until you admit you are heartbroken that we broke up."

"I'm not, and I'm not going to lie just to please you," Anthony got up and put his hands on my hips, pulled me close enough to make it look like we were kissing, my heart was racing and I was close enough to him to feel his racing just as fast, "thanks for saving me from her," he whispered ever so quietly to me. Once we saw Mak leave the room he let go of me and I was breathing really heavy. "Thank you so much, I have no idea how to pay you back."

"It's cool," he didn't mean anything by it at all, "what are friends for," I sat down in my seat.

Miss Smith walked up to her podium, "okay class, today we will present our posters, you can practice presenting until lunch," I looked at Anthony and he mouthed the words, 'let's get practicing.'

We got from our chairs and walked over to Miss Smith, "can we practice in the library," Anthony asked.

Miss Smith looked at me and stared from the top of her glasses, "yes, but be back after lunch."

"Alright," we walked towards the library.

"I feel like a little kid whenever I'm by you in public," I pouted.

I saw his beautiful eyes gleaming in the dim lights in the hallway, "that's what makes you so adorable," I got lost in my thoughts, we're not dating, yet he is always complimenting me, I don't know what to think of it.  When we got to the library he stood in front of me and held the door open, "thank you," I said, I was giggling too because he was bowing as I walked by.

"You were supposed to let me say after you," he explained as he caught up to me. 

"Let's just get started," I said sitting down.

Anthony's p.o.v.
30 minutes later...

Ring, "finally, lunch, I'm starving," I heard Rachel giggle, I love hearing her laugh, "you have such the cutest laugh," I said with a smile.

"Ummm, thanks, are you really that hungry," she asked as we walked out of the library.

"Yes, I have the big football game tonight and I have a major practice after school," I noticed that she looked sad, "what's wrong?"

"I have to walk home by myself today?"

I saw her little pouty face, "I'm sorry, but I have to go to this practice, it's major for the game tonight," I explained.

"Fine, I don't want you to skip out on a major practice like this one, what time does the game start?"

"Oh, about that, can you dress nicely, you can bring other clothes to change into, but can you come in like a nice dress or something?"

She looked upset, "I don't have anything fancy to wear, sorry," yes, this is perfect.

"Well, that stinks, hey, my dad can give you a ride to the game tonight, why don't you go to my house after school, you also won't be alone," I said, man I hope she agrees.

"Won't that be weird?"

"No, my dad and brother were hoping you would stop by the house, they said you're always welcome there," I explained to her.

She sighed before she said, "fine, but if it gets really awkward, I'm leaving."

I smiled to myself and then turned to her and said, "that makes sense," we then ate the rest of our lunch until the bell rang.

Rachel's p.o.v.

Why, why, why, why, why, I don't want to do this, "and that is why we picked this song to analyze," Mak said with a big smile, and ours is no where near as good as that. I turned to look at Anthony and he mouthed the words, 'you can do this.'

"Alright, class, next up is Rachel and Anthony," Miss Smith announced, I got up right after Anthony and quickly followed him to the little platform she had in her room.

Anthony looked at me, expecting me to say what I was supposed to, but I just froze and looked at him, luckily he knew what I was going to say, so he quickly saved us, "so, we chose the song Fight Song, by Rachel Platten because," he looked at me and mouthed, 'you can do this, I'm right here.

I closed my eyes so I couldn't see anybody and continued to say, "because it's very inspirational, it's about not giving up, you can do whatever you want, no matter what you go through," after a little bit more talking Anthony and I were done giving our song analysis we walked off the platform and went to our seats.

"That was amazing, you got over your fear, you talked in front of the entire class."

Miss Smith cut him off and said, "I don't remember if I told you guys this, but I am giving a prize to the best presentation and the winners are," she dramatically opened an envelope and said, "Anthony and Rachel, come to me Monday before class and I'll tell you guys what you win," the bell rang and Anthony walked me out of the school.

"I'll see you later, at the game," I turned to leave and she said

"See you at the game," and she turned and walked off.

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