Going Out Like That

Start from the beginning

                 "If I must.. Do I have to take a cab though? Why can't you take me?" She asked turning towards the man she had come up with.

    "Because I don't wanna do something I will regret. You're a beautiful woman and I don't need someone else taking advantage of you. How about I call you in the morning to see if you're okay."

            "Fine.." Jenny groaned. Gibbs knew this was his chance otherwise he might lose Jenny forever. 

 "Don't call a cab. I'll take her home." All three people looked towards him. 

           "And you are?" 

                       "Jethro!!!" Jenny squealed as she leaned over and hugged him. 

 "Jen.. calm down."

            "Sorry.. Stay here I gotta go use the ladies room." With that she got up and left. Looking over towards the two men once again.

          "I asked who you were?" 

                          "Her boyfriend. Didn't realize she was going out tonight but as soon as I went over by her place and she wasn't home I came her knowing her and her girls like it here." Both men nodded buying the lie as the one man walked off and the bartender went to serve another drink to someone else. 

      Jenny came back and hugged Gibbs. Grabbing her arm he lead her out towards his car. Just as he made it to his car she turned and pushed him back up against the car as she leaned forward kissing him. Taken by surprised he didn't respond at first but kissed her back. He pulled away when he needed a breath. 

               "Jen we can't.." 

"We can! You're the one that said you'r my boyfriend."

          "You heard that?" 

                    "Yeah.. I like how jealous you are of me." 

"You're my feisty redhead." Jenny laughed as she pulled the door open.

      "Come on. Lets go home and I can show you just how feisty I can be" Jen said with a smirk Gibbs went around and climbed in quickly he drove to Jenny's house. They were out of the car and sprinting to the door. As soon as they were inside he pushed her up against the door kissing her deeply. 

          "Bedroom... Jethro... Now.." She replied between moans as he picked her up causing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He carefully carried her up the stairs lips not once leaving hers as they kissed with passion and love. As soon as they were in the bedroom he dropped her onto the bed and all she did was giggled. Flopping down beside her he looked her in the eyes. 

             "You sure you want this Jen?" 

 "Of course! I'm not as drunk as you think. I know what I'm doing and I won't regret this come morning.. I promise you." She said smiling up at him. 

          "If you're sure" He said leaning down to kiss her.

                  "I'm sure." She says pulling him close. Wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him. Her hands wormed her way down his chest and untucked his shirt quickly pulling it off running nails along his chest causing a soft moan from him. She smiled as her hands continued running down slowly undoing his belt. Using her feet she carefully and slowly pushed his jeans down as he pulled her dress over her head softly kissing his way down to her stomach. Jenny remained in her panties and bra while Gibbs remained in his boxers as they kissed once again, fighting for dominance. 

       Once both were clothes free Jenny laid pinned underneath Gibbs body as he kissed the sensitive spot on her neck. Jenny leaned her head back and closed her eyes smiling. Kissing his way back up to her mouth Gibbs once again didn't hesitate to claim what was rightfully his. 

         Later that night two sweat soaked bodies laid side by side both breathing heavy and both wore smug smiles. Rolling over blue eyes met green. Neither said a word as they laid there. It was them versus the world and no one was ever going to change that. Not ever. 

           In the morning both forms remained sleeping. A certain redhead rolled over and put her hand to her forehead. She should have known better. Her head was pounding and she only remembered bits and pieces of what happened the night before. Rolling over she smiled at the man remembering the night before. She knew that was going to work. She had made a deal with the bartender that if she saw that certain silver haired fox come in he'd motion of her. She knew it was easy to get Jethro jealous and she had planned that. All her drinks were made to look like alcohol but really were just soda. The only alcoholic beverage she had was the first margarita she had.  

     Rolling over she snuggled closer to him, instantly he wrapped his arms around her. Closing her eyes she laid there in his arms not wanting to ever get up. She laid there with her eyes closed as her partner  slowly stirred. As he realized where he was he jumped up and quickly climbed out of bed going and pulling on his closes. Jenny groaned as she looked towards him. He stopped as he caught her eyes. 

        "So it's your turn to just walk out isn't it? Were you just gonna leave a note like I did?" That stung. He realized the mistake he had made as he slowly made his way back over towards the bed. He watched as she rolled over turning her back to him as she wrapped the sheets tightly around herself shielding her body from him.. 

     "Jen you were drunk and I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't want you to regret this.." She let out a bitter laugh. 

        "First off I'd recheck your investigation skills because I wasn't drunk last night.. Second it's you Jethro I would never regret it. Third I want you to get out now..." She said with her back to him. He didn't leave instead he made his way towards the bed and sat beside her. Placing his hand gently on her arm.  

         "Jen... I didn't know.." 

                "You didn't care.. Damnit Jethro, I gave you another chance and you were gonna walk out." She hissed as she got up moving away from him and made her way into her bathroom slamming the door hoping he got the hint. 

          She had taken a shower and cleaned herself up. Stepping out of the bathroom she didn't expect what she saw. Flowers lined the room. A trail of petals lead out of the room and down to the kitchen. She wasn't sure what to do but slowly she followed them. Stepping into the kitchen she saw a plateful of her favorite pancakes. Though she didn't reach for them she reached for the note. 

        Remember Paris? I miss that. I want you back Jen. Meet me in your study when you're done eating. ~LJG

         She didn't bother eating instead went straight to her study. Walking in it was dark and she could hear soft music playing in the bathroom. Stepping in she didn't hear anyone. She walked to her computer where a picture of the Eiffel Tower was. In front of it was a small box. She picked up the box but didn't open it as hands were placed on top of hers. 

          "How'd I know you were gonna skip the pancakes?" He said as he took the box from her hand and stepped back from her. Slowly she turned and smiled grabbing hold of his arms before he could kneel down. He couldn't help but smile back as she kissed him quickly.

                            "Don't bother.. Of course I'll marry you."  

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now