There's going to be so many fights, arguments, and maybe some pulling pranks in the middle of the night.

And too admit, that does seem fun to do to Calum,

I always seemed to wonder why Calum, Ashton, and Michael hated me for all this year. It's like there holding some kind of bad secret they know about me and so they hate me. Including Luke, damn I haven't thought about Luke for a while.

I've seen him staring at me in lunch before, and pass by me in the hallways a little, but that's all. No words coming out of his mouth.

The last boy out of the 4 who talked to me was Ashton, since there was a family reunion at my dads place Friday.

Even Halloween is almost coming, wow oh wow home much I love Halloween. The sweet creepiness of teenagers costumes, and all the yummy candy at night too eat while watching pretty little liars.

Dressing up is just fun! You get too be a different person for a night! You can tackle things that your afraid of, and getting scared is half the fun.

Knock knock

I popped out of my thoughts in my head by the loud knock on my door, quickly glancing Alexa's way as she headed too the door.

"Hey can I- What are you doing here Josh?!" Alexa groaned, me running too the door too see a blonde exhausted boy.

"Mind me crashing here for like 4 hours?" He said, lazily as Alexa and I stared at each other confused.

"No!" We said in unison, turning back too him.

"Please." He cried, grabbing onto Alexa's wrists, begging even louder.

"Why, you have your own home?" I asked confusingly, as he sighed.

"My family are having a party.."

"But it's morning?" I said confusingly,

"That's the point, they are fucking turnt every minute!" He cried,

Considering the fact I hate Josh all because that day he beat up my brother, but it is true that his parents are always partying. Like last night, I couldn't sleep since there music was pumping up so loud.

"Fine." I sighed, Alexa turning to me with a gasp.

"What?! Your letting him sleep here!" Alexa  cried, me crossing my hands across my chest.

"Just for a few hours, I mean it's not like he's going to live with us." I stated, as she lazily rolled her blue eyes.

And before I could let out a word, Joshua was already crashed out onto my couch, letting out large snores.

"Tell him too move." I asked Alexa, as she simply nodded pushing Joshua off the couch, onto the cold hearted brick wood floor.

"There." Alexa shrugged, pulling a happy grin.

"I said tell him too move, not push him off the couch!" I said frustratedly, but she ignored me still taking a seat on the couch.

I sighed, taking out the 2 slices of pizza out of my microwave for Alexa and I too eat.

"Can I get one?"

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