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Chloe's POV
"Awe they are so cute but on second thoughts what is a boy doing in her bed?" Then I saw a flash of light and the clicking of a camera, my eyes fluttered open to see a bare and extremely toned chest, oh it's Shawn's. "Morning" I yawned sitting up, in front of me Tom, Luke, Kyle, Rider, John and Timmy were all smirking; well all of them apart from Tom who had his arms folded and a scowl on his face. I took a second glance and noticed that Tom, Luke, Kyle and Rider had bruises on their faces. "Guys why are you bruised?" I hesitantly asked, there faces dropped as they gulped nervously. Then I remembered yesterday and the shouting, "where is James and what did you do?" I asked quietly looking to Shawn who was still asleep, Luke came and sat on the edge of my bed but I didn't dare look at him. He sighed before saying, "well he came home yesterday after you went to your room so I looked at him and asked him if he had fun with Angelia, he then had the nerve to smirk at me and say yes very much. So I punched him then Tom and Kyle tried to pull me back but I got away and started beating up James then we all got into a massive fight I'm sorry I know you don't want any violence" I breathed out a breath basically saying unbelievable. I can't have my family falling apart because of me, I most defiantly can't have my family getting hurt because of me. A tear ran down my cheek "you guys can't get hurt because of me and my stupid life" I said as more and more tears ran down my face, "don't say that Chlo" Tom shouted, "it's true though" I said back just as loud. "This is not your fault it's James he is a pathetic brother and I hope he knows it because if I were him I would be so ashamed of who I was so don't you dare say you are the cause of it and babe please your life isn't stupid" Tom said back as tears ran down his cheeks, I shook my head sobbing "my own flesh and blood slapped me so hard I bled for a good fuck and a bit of cash yeah my life is so fucking great right now" I couldn't control myself as I could feel a panick attack coming on, "I need some air" I said before running out of my bed room and down the stairs. I ran into the kitchen bumping strait into James and falling to the floor, his face was messed up he had bruises everywhere and a fat lip with a black eye and more, he looked to me concerned as I was now hyperventilating on the floor. "Chloe breath your ok, BOYS" James shouted trying to get me to breath but I couldn't, air was going through my lungs but it was like their was a huge puncture in them making all the air I breath in go strait back out. I gasped helplessly as the boys including Shawn came running down the stairs. They saw me and crowded around as Luke pushed James away from me, "Chloe look at me and focus on my chest" Shawn said taking my hand and putting it to his chest. I could feel the air running through his system and mirrored his deep breathing slowly but surely my breathing was brought back to normal, well almost. "Okay good well done babe" Shawn said hugging me and kissed my forehead as I burst into tears. I simply cried and cried into his bare chest. He picked me up bringing me back into my room before we laid down, I cried helplessly as he smoothed my hair down. I could hear shouting downstairs then a smash, that is the line crossed, I jumped out of the bed and ran into the kitchen with Shawn close on my tail. "What the fuck is happening here?" I screamed seeing Rider on the floor being kicked by James who has Luke on his back as Tom tries to take Luke of and John is holding a beer about to smash it onto James head. They all froze and looked to me, "will you guys stop acting so immature right now? This is not the way to settle everything that happens, John I swear if you do not give me that beer you will be in a coma" I said as John was about to bottle James again, he then slowly gave the bottle to me and I gave it to Shawn who was standing behind me protectively, I then carried on. "If you think fighting helps it doesn't especially not me, actually it makes it worse, guys what are we doing? James you hit your little sister for a good fuck and some cash, guys you beat him up because I was upset and Luke we haven't spoken about stuff at all recently. This family is falling into a ditch and it needs a restart or it will slip and it won't be able to climb back up so I'm going to start this thing of." I took a deep breath wiping away my tears before sitting in the front room on the sofa, the guys soon joined siting around, "James I forgive you but why did you do it?" Everyone was shocked, "wait you're forgiving him?" Kyle asked in disbelief, I huffed "yes now James explain." Everyone turned to James, he had tears streaming down his face, "I'm so sorry and I don't deserve your forgiveness at all. I did it because I really liked Angelia and I thought she liked me back but after we fucked she texted me saying we aren't together anymore, I thought one slap wouldn't harm you and I thought that like everyone needs a slap once in a while. I didn't realise my own strength or the true meaning of what I was doing" he full on sobbed as I sat silently looking to the floor with tears uncontrollably falling from my eyes whilst Shawn rubbed comforting circles on my back. Luke then spoke up, "I wanna know why you have been lying to us so much recently Chloe" I opened my mouth to speak but shut it again thinking. I didn't dare look up, "I didn't want you all worrying about me and I thought I could handle my own problems which I can't. I didn't want to burden you all because you all have your own problems to deal with and you really don't need me" I full on sobbed letting a cough fall out. Kyle sighed, "Chloe you will never ever be a burden to us, we want to help you we want you to come to us, yes we have our own problems but we are a family and you didn't know this but we made a promise to mum and dad that we would protect and look out for you. When we heard you lie it broke our hearts and then hearing about Ang broke us even more because we could have stopped it but we haven't because we didn't know" I could hear him crying as I nodded my head afraid to talk because I'm in such a bad state. Just then all my other brothers walked in, "what is happening here?" Louis asked sitting down with the rest of them. "We are cleaning our family, I forgave James he gave me an explanation and I just explained why I have been lying" I said still crying, "wait you forgave James?!?" TJ said in shock, I nodded my head in response. They all took there seats around as we simply talked about everything but then Tim decided to ask the question I never wanted to answer, "Chloe what happened when our parents died?" My breath hitched, I guess I have to tell them I mean it's their parents death too and I never explained it to them, "ugh well that is a long story but I guess I'll tell you the full thing but it is hard for me so I apologise in advance." I took a few deep breath before beginning, "so mum and dad were driving me home from my dance competition, I had won first place, we were just having fun you know laughing, making jokes and just giggling about everything even when it wasn't even funny. Mum turned the radio on and Shawn Mendes Stitches came on, I was singing my heart out putting all of my joy and happiness into these lyrics, the song ended and I started laughing as dad failed a high note hell that was just hilarious. Mum turned the radio down and turned around to me taking my hand in hers then she looked me dead in the eye, she just looked so beautiful with happiness radiating off of her, she said to me 'I am so proud baby' she had tears in her eyes she was so proud, she told me 'your an incredible singer and you're amazing at dancing' she said 'I am so blessed to have such a talented daughter' then she asked me to promise her one single thing. She said 'promise me one day you'll be singing for millions of fans and dancing in front of thousands' she said I could do it. Then dad looked back with the same pride in his eyes he also made me promise to for fill what my mother said. I promised them, I promised them no matter what I will do it. Dad had turned around to make me promise him but he looked to me for a second to long as the car went on to the other side of the road. Bright lights came towards the car as I screamed, my parents turned around but it was to late. Blood was everywhere, mum was the other side of the road and dad was still looking at me strapped in his seat with blood oozing out of him. I will never get that picture out of my head, Damn they FUCKING DIED BECAUSE OF ME!" I was melting down I couldn't take it as I fell into Shawn's arms crying my eyes out. No one spoke as I sobbed, I turned to my brothers to see them crying and just staring at me. I was right they all hate me it's all my fault, "guys I'm so sorry I know you hate me because I am a bloody murderer but I... I... I wish it was me I really do I'm sorry" I sobbed, no one spoke. That was my cue to leave, I stood up leaving everyone crying and ran out of the house. No one even stopped me as I sprinted away, I ran strait to Cole's house.
I knocked on the door still sobbing my eyes out, Sam opened the door but as soon as she saw me she hugged me and brought me to the front room where everyone else was. "God what happened Chloe?" Cole said taking me out of Sams arms, "they hate me it's all my fault I'm a murderer I'm sorry" I couldn't even talk strait as Cole simply cradled me in his arms cooing me. He carried me into his room and placed me into his bed where I slowly drifted of into another dreamless sleep.

Luke's POV
"Damn they FUCKING DIED BECAUSE OF ME" Chloe screamed at the end of telling us how our parents died. No one spoke as Chloe sobbed, tears ran down my face as I pictured our parents dying. I couldn't speak I was in much shock. Chloe melted into Shawn and balled her eyes out then all of sudden she looked up and cried harder saying, "guys I'm so sorry I know you hate me because I'm a bloody murderer but I... I... I wish it was me I really do in so sorry" no no no I wanted to run and hug her and tell her it isn't her fault but I couldn't speak. Unfortunately no one else could speak either so she took it as I sign we agreed. Next thing I know she gets up and runs out of the door. Shit shit shit this can't be happening. "Why aren't you guys talking? You can't seriously think that was her fault" Shawn asked in disbelief that shook me out of my trance, "no of course it's not her fault of damn where did she go ahhh" I was still crying but now I was also panicking. "Then you need to go find her and tell her it's not her fault" Shawn said getting up and running upstairs. "Guys stop fucking crying we need to find our little sister who thinks we hate her and believes she is a murderer when she isn't" I screamed getting everyone out of there shocked trance. "We need to find her" Tom says getting up suddenly.  We all grabbed our jackets and shoes and ran into our cars. We separated to find Chloe, where could she be? Where would she go? Tia's? Nope she doesn't trust Tia with family things. What about Lilly? No Lilly would have told her to suck it up or something. Mia? Hell to the no would she have gone there Chloe hates showing weakness especially to Mia. Wait what about Cole's, I mean it's clear she trust Cole very much and his friends are there for Chloe so it makes sense that she would go there. I drove to Cole's house and anxiously knocked on the door. Cole answered it looking stressed, "yes" he said rudely, "um is Chloe there she has gone missing because of a family issue and I need to find her" I said silently praying that she is here. Cole looks behind him to this girl and two boys they all shake their heads slightly, "nope she isn't here but what did you do to her" Cole said with his fists balled up. Damnit I know she is in here I can just sense it. "I didn't do anything to her now give her to me, I know she is in here" I am getting angry at this dude now. "She isn't here now leave" Cole said coldly and deathly. Almost like a warning or a threat. "Look dude if she comes here I promise I'll call you but she isn't here right now and we are trying to have a party" Cole said a lot calmer now, for some strange strange reason I believed him. I turned around got back into my car and left without another word or a second glance. I went over to the park a few roads away from our house and walked around. I remember Chloe always came here after mum and dad died, our parents brought us here nearly every Sunday to have fun and play. Chloe always sat under this big oak tree reading or listening to her music. We would always make fun of her because she didn't play football with us or run around playing tag she simply sat and had some time to be calm. After our parents death me and the boys never came back, this is my first time back to this park since then. Chloe however thought she was brought closer to our parents by being here. She continued to sit under the oak tree and have her time of peace.
I walked to the oak tree to find all of my brothers sitting down together. "No sign of her I take it then" I say sitting down with them, "none where could she go, I went to all her girlfriends houses and they hadn't seen her" Timmy says sadly, "I went to her favourite milkshake place and the restaurant we always ate at on mums birthday she wasn't at either of those" Tom said, "I went to school, to her treehouse in the forest, to the abandoned mansion on crystal street and to the hotel our uncle owns, she wasn't anywhere to be seen," Kyle said. "I went to the church and the graveyard" Jayce said as he cuddled to Liam's side. "I went to Cole's house and he said she wasn't there but I don't believe him" I said looking up to the tree. I then noticed there was something carved into the bark. I looked closer to it and engraved it says, Chloes calm place, I will forever love you mummy & daddy love you Chloe xox, she must have written that a few days after our parents death by how old it looks. My brothers all stood up to see it too, "she would always listen to her music or read a book to have an hour of peace so we would joke about it to her"  Louis laughed whilst tears ran down his pink cheeks. "Yeah we used to call her geek girl" Timmy laughed at the memory, "do you remember that one time when I kicked the ball and it landed just above her head on this tree, man she was so mad" John laughed as we all giggled. We all sat around talking about our memories with Chloe and the tree in this park, we then went home at ten. Chloe still wasn't home. I called the police making it official, Chloe Clarkson is missing...

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