Blue, purple and black

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I can see Mia motioning for me to do something so as Rider brings me down so we are face to face I kiss the side of his lips taking him by surprise he losses his grip and I wiggle out as Mia kicks him in the pool. SPLASH! Me and Mia do a victory dance but I soon stop as I see ten angry guys stomping out of the pool, Ohhh shit..

"Chloe!" I turn to see an extremely angry Luke standing in front of me dripping wet. "Oh heyyyy Lukeyyyy" I try to act natural but no just no it failed, "what the actual fuck was that?!?" Luke screamed and swore, poo Luke never swears especially not in front of me oh no the world is spinning, my breathing is quickening. I gasp for air as once again my lungs fail me but this time it's different all I can see is black and white sparkles as my head throbs and my throat dries. I can hear people shouting but it's muffled and unrecognisable. I can feel the ground underneath me but I can't see it. I'm scared as I cant breath or think or see or hear simply feel. My sense or gone until...
Nothing everything is black and my breathing has stopped its just long and slow, my lungs are empty but I'm breathing deep and slow. Then I see a blue flashing light and a loud ear piercing sound, I recognise it as an ambulance but I can't see it, I can just hear its blues and toos, then something is placed over my mouth and nose, it feels like an oxygen mask? The next thing I know is I'm breathing but my lungs are not.

Blinding lights are in my face as my eyes flutter open, I take in my surroundings. Overpowering Sterilising smell, pure white walls, tubes and machinery everywhere. There are needles in my hand and a gas mask is still over my mouth and nose. I take in a deep pure breath of oxygen and I am happy that I can feel my lungs filling and emptying with the pure gas. "Hello dear your awake, thank god we thought you wouldn't make it" the small, plump yet very pretty lady giggles. She is wearing a blue outfit and is writing on a clip bored I take it she's my nurse then. "How are you feeling Chloe?" She continues by fiddling with the machinery attached to me. I pull of my mask so I can speak and place it on my stomach, "I'm feeling much better thank you, what happened?" I ask seeing as I can't actually remember anything. "Oh you had and anxiety attack but because you have been getting them so often your lungs failed and you stopped breathing. You were rushed here where we plugged in these wires" she pointed at the needles in my hand an the wire down my nose, "to give you some liquid that will help your lung function, the one down your nose is giving you a gas called Anti-clearoxide, it help clear away bad fumes so your lungs can have a restart." I took in all this knowledge before realising something, she said something about me having many attacks but how on earth did she know? I haven't even told my best friends about how often they are! Did she tell my brothers? Ohhh shit why if she told my brothers? I cleared my throat before asking her, "you said something about me having many anxiety attacks which is true, I have one almost everyday but how did you know?" She giggled at me in response. "Oh dear I'm a nurse I took a look at your lungs from a scan and it showed me that they were in an awful state, I looked at your throat and saw it was damaged and scratchy. I took a look at your medical and school record. Your medical record says you suffer from anxiety and depression as well as other mental difficulties, your school record told me you have been to the nurses office many times for rest as you have had attacks." Oh so thats how she knew. She probably told my brothers but Ima ask just to make sure, "ugh you see the thing is my brothers are very protective of me and worry a lot so I was just wondering did you tell them?" She looked at me with worried eyes and realised I was slightly panicking, "okay I need you take deep breaths yes I told your brothers, I also called your school but don't worry it's all okay right now you need to focus on your breathing love okay?" She said as I tried to relax, I counted down along with my breathing 10-9-8- what if they stop me from going to school? What if they take me away from everything I know? Oh breathing right yeah -7-6-5- what if they don't allow me to ever go out again? What if they become even more protective? What if they make me move country? Shit I need to fucking breath -4-3-2-1- ahhhh, "would you like to see your brothers and your friends?" The nurse asked I nodded putting my oxygen mask back on. She left the room as I sat there trying my best to focus on my breathing with the help of the oxygen, the gas felt so nice and soothing in my lungs just like a baby feels when it takes its first breath of air. The door swung open as my ten brothers, Rider, Callum, Bill, Mia, Tia and Lilly all run in looking worried. All sixteen of them crowded around my bed, Luke looked at my with tears in his eyes he looked somewhat desperate and guilty, "ohmygod Chloe I am so sorry please forgive me I didn't..." I cut him of taking my mask of and placing it on my stomach once again, "Luke chill it's okay I'm fine," he smiled back at me before he shook his head. "Your not fine Chloe and it's all my fault I can't believe," once again I cut him of, "hey don't you dare blame yourself, this is uncontrollable and I live with it but it's ok. As long as we are all alive and healthy everything is cool so please stop apologising and do not blame yourself". He smiles at me before leaning down and embracing me in a tight hug, I hug everyone else before I turn back to them. Guilt suddenly rushes over me, oh for goodness sake I have to reck everything I am suck a fuck up, "I am so sorry guys" I bow my head in shame. I feel a hand take my chin and lift it, Rider looks me dead in the eyes before he states sternly, "this is not your fault Chloe, like you said this is uncontrollable and it seems that anxiety loves you a little too much." Everyone laughs at that which brightens up the mood.
We were all just sitting around chit chattering as the door swings open and in comes my nurse, "right visiting time is over but in an hour you can go home, you will have to take this pills every night for your anxiety. You said you are having anxiety attacks almost everyday which is extremely worrying so at the end of next week you need to come back to get a check up ok love?" I nod in response as she shoos everyone out.

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