F, R, and P pt. 2

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there is another clip of a newscaster, fortunately I don't know this man's name, asking the following: "Is there anything in America which can exclude race? I mean why is race brought into the halftime show at a super bowl game? why?"
well sir, that's what i'm here for. I can simply break down reasons as to why race, and racism is an extremely important topic and should be brought to the attention of clueless people, such as yourself at any time necessary.
To answer your first question, no. There is absolutely nothing in America which can exclude race. That's the whole reason this country exists. Race. This country was built on the bones of minorities, and even still after that, and after slavery, there still weren't any equal rights. not just for women, but for all African Americans in general. It took years for us to even gain simple basic human rights, such as the right to vote. Even still, that right went to men first until white and black feminists started speaking out and demanding their rights as they should've. That's another rant for another time. The point is, even after all that, and having to fight for our basic human rights, we still had to deal with the brutality and hatred from people who were technically in authority. Judges, teachers, police officers, store managers, this list goes on, and it's not as if brutality was a thing of the past. That's been proven in senseless killings of innocent or somewhat innocent african americans. Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and so many more, whose brutal murders never broke news. As to your second and third question, race is brought to the super bowl halftime show by Beyonce because Coldplay brought world poverty. Chris Martin is seen clearly wearing his Global citizens arm band, and not one person said anything about it. However when the issue that people are divided on is brought up, it's controversial, and problematic. I just want people to realize that maybe this song just isn't for you. If you feel you or your people aren't oppressed by police brutality, or your daddy isn't Alabama and Momma Louisiana, or you aren't a Texas-bama, then keep your opinions in your cranium, and stay over yonder. However if you can attest to any of those, then to you I say "now let's get in formation."

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