F,R, and P pt. 1

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I was asked to write a piece on Rudy Giuliani's commentary on Beyonce's super bowl 50 performance. On the air, on live television: "In the end we find out Beyonce dressed up in a tribute to the black panthers, went into a malcolm X formation and the song-the lyrics which I couldn't make out a syllable- were basically telling cops to stop shooting blacks. I thought it was really outrageous that she used this as a platform to attack police officers."
I am so glad you felt this sudden urge, and brought up this incredibly stupid point. You are a perfect example of loud, proud, and wrong. First of all, Rudy Giuliani, before I get into what possibly may be the biggest fail of your career. Number one, I feel as though you're disrespecting Queen Beyonce when you say you couldn't make out one syllable of her song Formation. If you listen to the song, Beyonce sings very loud and clear, and gives meaning to all her words. Not only that, but she repeats things more than once, just in case you missed it the first time..."I might get your song played on the radio station (cause I slay) I might get your song played on the radio station (cause I say) you just might be a black Bill Gates in the makin'...I JUST MIGHT BE A BLACK BILL GATES IN THE MAKIN'" I mean how could it be more clear? If you can't hear, I suggest getting a hearing-aid. You are 71 years old... Not only that, but one of the first incidents occurring under your term as Mayor of New York was an incident of police brutality. December 22, 1994, Anthony Baez at age 29 died after being placed in an illegal choke hold by Former NYPD officer Francis Livoti. So, sir, i'm going to have to politely ask you to remove the tree branch from your own eye before you try to remove what you think is a splinter from someone else's. You had a total of 7,117 deaths in your city under your term, and sure they weren't all cases of police brutality, but some certainly were. July 4th, 1996, Nathaniel Gaines was shot by police officer Paolo Colecchia. January 12th, 1995, Antonio Rosario, Hilton Vega, and Freddie Bonilla were shot by detectives Patrick Brosnan and James Crowe. Officer Michael J. Davitt shot William Whitfield on December 25th, 1997 because the officer thought the keys and hat William were holding was a gun. The list could literally go on, but my point is your opinion is invalid, and nobody asked you in the first place. It makes no sense for you to say. Beyonce used this song and performance as a platform to attack police when they've literally been attacking us since the beginning of time. So prove to me you got some coordination. Slay trick or you get eliminated.

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