chapter 11

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Hunter's POV

(Above is Hunter just jn case you forgot what he looks like)

We walked into the ice cream shop. I had know clue Sophia was Henry's aunt. The way they acted they looked brother and sister. I could tell they held a strong bond. I left my bike at the school and walked with them here.

We ordered our ice cream. We sat down in a both. Her and Henry on one side facing me and me on the other side.

"So Henry, tell me how to get your aunt to like me."

She rolled her eyes and I smiled at her and winked when she met my eyes.

"Well, Sophia is amazing and awesome once you get to know her. She is a pretty cool aunt. She's like my older sister. She can come off like a bit of a bad word that I can't say and don't want to day buy anyways, you just to be on her good side."

I nodded and looked at Sophia who was now grinning at what Henry said before she met eyes with me, "Am I on your good side?"

She smirked and leaned like it was a secret. She looked like she was gonna say yeah but that smart ass whispered after a while, "no"

I glared her but it soon faded into a smile when she fell back into her seat from laughing and I looked back at Henry who was also smiling.

"How do you get on her good side?"

He shrugged, "Be adorable."

That made me laugh and so did Sophia.

"Alright there Henry, I might not do our super secret handshake anymore if your gonna break the guy code."

He smiled and said, "You know your still gonna do it." He was right and once I nodded we started doing our handshake as Sophia smiled at us. I loved when she smiled. She wasn't smiling the first day I met her. I knew she had a pass and so did I.

I wanted to know where her parents were. I wondered why she never talked to anyone until now. I intended to find out. At first thks was just a game to get her to open up toe and fall for me and then crush her heart because one thing she did made me pissed. It was low and I knew it. Now I actually wanted to be her friend. One of those friends you could tell everything to without them judging. I wanted that with her and I didn't know why.

We walked over to her house with Henry on my back cause he said he was tired.

When we got there Henry was asleep on my back. I turned him over so he was in my arms in the front with his legs around me and arms wrapped around my neck and his head in my chest mumbling things in his sleep.

She walked up the stairs and Into Henry's room. I followed her and layed him down on his bed. She came up to the bed and covered him up with the blanket and kissed his forehead before walking out the room. I followed her down the stairs and then going down the hall where she opened a door to a room. I walked in and she sat on her bed grabbing her text book. This was her room. She lives with her aunt and uncle and their kid.

I sat down on the bed in a safe distance though and she looked at me. I nodded knowing she was asking if we could get started.

We had finished the project an hour later. We had to present it tomorrow.

I heard her front door open and close. I then heard foot steps coming down the hall way towards Sophia's room. We were currently sitting side by side looking at the poster laying on her bed and front of us. We were closer then I thought. I scooted over a little on her bed.

Then the figure of a women stood at the door. She was looking down so she didn't see me yet.

"Sophia, I - " she then looked up and said, "Oh, I didn't know you had a friend over."

"Ant Abby I told you I was completing a project after school with someone."

"Oh, right I'm sorry. I forgot. I'm Abby, Sophia's aunt."

I smiled at her and shook her hand, "Hunter. Nice to meet you."

She smiled one more time before turning back to Sophia, "Where is Henry at?"

"He fell asleep on the way back here. He's in his bed now. "

She shook her head then said, "Well I'll leave you two to it."

Her uncle came home from work shortly after and I met him as well. Henry woke up and hugged them before telling them about his day.

We showed them out handshake and I explained to them that my mom was Henry's new kindergarten teacher.

"Would you like to stay for dinner, Hunter?" Abby asked.

I checked my phone. It was now 7:35 and I needed to go home and help my mom cook and eat dinner.

"I can't, I usually make dinner and ear dinner with my mom. Now is the time we usually do it. I'm sorry but maybe another day. I can see this crazy kid." I said rubbing Henry's head. He smiled at me.

I walked out the house with Sophia after hugging Henry and his parents goodbye.

I faced Sophia once we were at my bike that I parked in the school parking lot. I will drive her home and then go back to my house.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah, sure."

"How come you live with your aunt and uncle?"

She looked at me and her eyes hardens, "That's for another time."

"I can respect that."

With that we drove back to her house and she got of handing Mr the helmet.

I had gotten off too "Don't screw up the presentation tomorrow, I have a reputation you know."

She laughed and I chuckled when she hit my chest playfully.

I kissed her cheek and got on my bike leaving her standing there surprised that I did that and just walked away with out a word. I can just picture her rolling her eyes now and it just made me like her more.

*I hope you like this chapter! If you want me to keep going let know*

Song title - sweet talker by Jessie j

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