chapter 14

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Sophie's POV

I hadn't talked or payed attention in class the rest of the day not that I would talk to anyone. I was so dead set on what would he say to me. Part of me wanted him apologize and beg for my forgiveness and we'll be friends. The other part of me wants him to just kiss me. I hated myself for even thinking about that.

I knew he wouldn't do either. More like tell me to stop being jealous and don't get in his way. I then would leave him alone. That was most likely gonna happen.

When the bell rang for dismissal I just sat at my desk for a second still caught up in my thoughts. I then looked up and saw everyone eyes on me waiting for me to leave. I sighed and stood up and looking at everyone and said, "Just go ahead. I won't go crazy on you. I promise."

With that they looked at one another and then they exited making me the last to exit. Hopefully he was gone now since I left a little late. When I turned the corner I saw him leaning up against his locker that was next to mine. He was looking down and playing with his fingers.

I could tell he was nervous. Nervous for what? To tell me to stay out of his business and stop being jealous cause we for sure never were a couple. Not even really friends.

I walked up to my locker and opening it without looking at him. I grabbed my books I'll need over the weekend.

He didn't say anything after I closed my locker and I just stared at my locker waiting for him to say something but nothing came from him.

I turned towards him and sighed, "What is it you want from me Hunter?"

"Just hear me out. For once, Sophia."

I was a little shocked because be didn't call beautiful but called me by my real name. I think that means he's serious.

I nodded slowly and he sighed what sounded like relief.

"Alright, when I came in this morning I was hoping to see you."

Well it didn't look like it! I thought but I kept to myself and looked at him as he continued.

"Then, that blonde girl just pushed me on our lockers and kissed me. I was just gonna pull her apart but you came in right after she kissed me. Then you ripped her off."

I nodded wanting him to continue.

"I didn't mean to get you mad at me. These days I started to like you and I don't want to ruin anything with some blonde girl who came on to me. Can you please forgive me. I'm sorry."

I blushed with the way he apologized. I couldn't help it when he gave me that desperate voice like he was desperate for my forgiveness. I smiled and nodded and the corner of his mouth went up into a big grin. The next thing he did wasn't what I expected.

He lifted me off my feet and spun me around. I yelped and he just chuckled as I kept hitting his chest and glaring at him after he let me down.

I eventually smiled once his hands were still on my waist and we are really close to each other.

He looked at me and we stared at each other. He slowly leaned in a little. I then moved in a little bit more closer. We were going to kiss.

Quickly pulling me out of the trance with Hunter. Someone cleared their throat. We jumped at the sound and immediately we backed up opening up the space between us. I turned my head. I knew it wasn't Dream because her and Anthony left together. I saw a girl with bleach blonde hair and a cheerleaders uniform on.

It was the same girl from this morning. I sqeezed my hands into fists. What was she doing here? I warned her slut ass earlier.

"What the hell do you want?"

She smirked and I was pissed now. She looked from me to Hunter then back to me before saying, "Looks like you got sloppy seconds Sophia." She said then laughed to herself.

Before I could say anything Hunter said, "Shut the fuck up what ever your name is. You came on to me and at least I like Sophia and know her name and actually want to kiss her."

I would blush and smile if I wasn't so pissed at this bitch.

"You didn't pull away this morning, did you now Hunter?" She said through her gritted teeth. She was mad too. Mad because he doesn't want her because she was just a slut looking for attention.

I couldn't take it any more. I was mad at her and mad at Hunter too. I didn't know if he was lying or not.

Either way it didn't stop me from walking up to her and slapping her across her face. She gasped and held her cheek. She tried slapping me back after a little while from rubbing her cheek. Bad mistake. I grabbed her hand and kicked her in the stomach making her fall on the floor.

"Don't you know who your dealing with. You're more stupid then everyone in this school if you think your a big problem for me. I don't need to waist my time on you but I warned you this morning. One more time it won't just leave a red cheek and a sore ribcage." I spit the words at her as I picked up my bag and stormed out of the school pissed.

The parking lot was empty except for Hunters bike and the blonde girls car.

I sighed and started walking to the house. Before I could make it out of the schools parking lot. Hunter's hand grabbed my wrist gently.

I turned around to meet his eyes. They were nervous again.

"I'm sorry again Sophia. Please don't be mad at me."

I sighed because I knew I
Wasn't mad at him. I was mad that she got to kiss him. I was jealous. I now knew I had a little crush on Hunter.

"I'm not mad at you Hunter."

He smiled and before I knew it I was in his arms. He wrapped me up in a warm hug. I smiled and blushed laying my head in the crook of his neck. He sat his chin on the top of my head.

He pulled away a little but I was still in his arms. I looked up at him and he looked back down at me.

"In the school right when you left I told her the only girl I wanted to kiss was you and the only girl I wanted to be with and have a good time with was you. I meant it."

I smiled at him which he returned brushing his thumb across my cheek. Before I knew it he was leaning down and his soft lips met mine.

It was just a gentle Peck but it sent a tickle down my back. Once he pulled apart we were now facing each other our lips only a few inches apart. We were staring into each other's eyes so long it felt like we were digging into each other's souls or something.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and dragged him down to my lips again wanting more. He smiled through the kiss and so did I. I loved that I had the same effect on him as he had on me.

His hands were on my waist. My arms were around his neck and my hands were running through his hair as our lips moved together.

This is what it was like to kiss him and I loved it.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. This chapter was so fun to write!!

Song title - drop dead beautiful by Britney Spears

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