chapter 5

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Hunter's POV

I rode home on my motor cycle with her on my mind. She didn't do anything during class so I wondered what all the buzz was about.

 I did it to piss her off, see what she'll do. I walked in front of her out the door while everyone else waited for her to leave first.

I thought she wouldn't do anything, but boy was wrong because next thing I know, I was up against the lockers with her forearm on my throat. I widened my eyes. I didn't think she would do that. Maybe she was what everyone said she was.

But she had a story and a reason why she did what she did. I intended to find out. I just started at her showing that I obviously wasn't scared and I could tell that pissed her off. That only made me smirk down her puffed out cheeks and glaring eyes.

   "Look here pal, know your damn place."  She had said.

Her words made me flinch a little. She sounded like if I didn't do what she said she would do some illegal shit to me. I knew she was hiding something. Maybe I'm crazy to even get in her way, or maybe I'm just smart. I decided the smart part.

The blonde girl shook her head at me and said, "I told you Hunter, don't mess with her." While she walked away and I fixed my shirt.

Hell yeah I was crazy for getting in her way. This just made me more curious.

I looked at everyone around me and I smirked and they all looked at me like 'are you fucking nuts' and indeed, I certainly am.

I walked off to my next class.

The rest of my day went fine. The news had definitely spread. I kept thinking about how I could get a chance to talk to her at least. When the bell rang I went to my locker. I saw her there putting her books in her book bag. I stood behind her.

She turned around when she closed her locker and I glared at her. I was kind of pissed because my back hurt  like a bitch all day from her banging me against the lockers. I never said I didn't hate her cause I fucking hate her. I just want to figure her out as well.

She glared back at me and we did that for a little while making a bunch of eyes look towards us. Then, she pushed me out the way and headed to the door. Before she could go I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to my chest and smirked down at her. Seeing her this close I could tell that she had beautiful blue eyes.

This always worked at my old school when girls were mad at me. It didn't work with her though because she fake smiled up at me then punched me in the stomach. Hard. Man she had a hand on her.

I groaned in pain for a second before standing back up still holding the place where she punched me, "Don't ever lay a fucking hand on me again." she said while still glaring at me. Then she left and I let her. I was pissed. That bitch.

I saw all the people looking at me. I shouted, "What the hell are you looking at?"

Everyone looked away and started talking. I shook my head and sighed before walking to my motor cycle. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

I looked at the screen and it was my mom. I answered, "Hello?"

"Wow, what made you mad. Did something happen at school?"

I sighed, "I'm sorry mom. I just got in an...encounter  with someone. "

"You didn't hit him did you?"

"No, I can't hit a girl, but if I could she would be the first one I would."

"Wait, it was with a girl. A girl made you mad and she didn't have a crush on you?"

"No, she actually hates me and I hate her right back."

"Okay.......that's weird but I just called to see how your day was and to tell you I get off at 9:00 tonight."

"Okay I love you."

"Love you too Hunter, bye."

I pressed end on the phone. She was right to be shocked. I girl has never pushed my buttons like she did. She made me pissed and she even got mad when I pulled a classic move on her.

This one would be a hard one. I intended to get her to like me and then dump her. That would show her that I don't like how she's playing my game.

We will have to see what will happen. I couldn't wait to see her face when I told her I fucking hate her and she was a bitch and that I never liked her after she fell in love with me.

I got on my motor cycle. I was the last person in the parking lot until I saw her. She was standing across the parking lot looking at me. I smiled as I got on the motor cycle. I couldn't wait to get this game going.

I loved to play with the Bad Chick.

Sorry it was short :(

Song title - Smoke by PVRIS

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