Chapter Twenty-Two: Benjamin

Start from the beginning

            “He’s probably going to help his friend,” Nana replied. Benjamin nodded because that made sense. His brother was good.

            “No-ah not vulmerbill.”

            “No, your brother isn’t vulnerable either,” she said and smiled.

            “Let’s take a look at what the camera has captured this past week. Other contestants at their most…vulnerable,” the scary man with the mean eyes said and seemed to look right at Benjamin through the TV screen. He whimpered and Nana frowned at him.

            “What’s wrong Ben?” she asked and he shook his head as he saw a video of his brother with his friends sitting in a room. He heard his brother and his friends singing. He liked hearing his brother sing. Benjamin watched his brother stop singing.

            “I don’t know how else to say this so I’m just going to say it…I have a twin brother,” Noah told his frowned. Benjamin gasped.

            “Nana! He tell bout me!” he yelled and smiled at Nana who looked scared. Benjamin couldn’t understand why his Nana was scared. He felt happy because his brother was talking about him. If Noah’s friends knew about him maybe they’d want to play with him like his brother did. They could talk to Benjamin and he’d be on his best behavior so his brother wouldn’t feel bad.

            “What did he do?” Nana asked Benjamin.

            “He tell bout me!” Benjamin repeated not understanding why she would ask after he’d already told her. “No-ah want me to meet his friends!” Benjamin exclaimed. Nana got up from the bed and looked at the door in horror. Benjamin’s heart sank. He wasn’t sure exactly what was wrong but if Nana was scared it was probably because of his mom and dad. Maybe they didn’t want Noah to talk about Benjamin. He flinched as the door flew open. His mom came into the room looking mad. Benjamin had never seen her look that scary. Her eyes fell on Benjamin and then to Nana.

            “Did you see what that, that boy did!?” Benjamin’s mom shrieked. He closed his eyes not wanting to see her mad face anymore.

            “H-he told his friends,” Benjamin heard Nana mumble.

            “On TV!” his mom yelled. “Now everyone’s going to know we have another son! A broken son!”

            “I not broken!” Benjamin blurted and opened one eye to look at his mother. She leaned in close to him. He could smell her breath and he didn’t like it one bit.

            “I promised your brother that the moment he opened his mouth about you I’d make sure you were sent far away. And I plan to keep that promise!” she yelled and Benjamin closed his eyes again. He didn’t know what she meant. Where was he supposed to go?

            “That’s enough Laura,” Nana’s voice spoke quietly. Benjamin opened his eyes and saw his mom turn to Nana.

            “What did you just say? Did you just give me an order mother?” Benjamin’s mom spoke and he saw Nana flinch.

            “I am still your mother. I can very well order you around,” she spoke slowly. Benjamin’s mother laughed and he wanted to laugh along with her so she wouldn’t be mad anymore but he stopped himself when he saw Nana’s face.

            “You gave up the right to be my mother when you ruined my life,” Benjamin’s mother spoke. “Or have you forgotten that you were the one who urged me to take the pills that left this,” she said and pointed at Benjamin. “It’s your fault he’s even like this.”

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