Drug dealer Reader x Clean Cut Usopp

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(Y/N) was pissed at Usopp, she wanted his head on a steak and to set the whole thing of fire. He really pissed her off, he was always trying to get in between her and her business. She had no way of controlling him, the last time he pulled a stunt this big he almost got the whole lab blown up with them in it.

"When I find that geeky bastard, I'll kill him!" she growled searching the New York streets high and low around his block. They had officially broken up a year ago, but to be honest nothing was ever set and stone with them. They were so toxic to each other and they both wanted the poison in their lives. She remembered all the good times, all the sex, all the times Usopp had tried to claim her. They both knew who wore the pants in the relationship and it definitely wasn't him.

Usopp had really messed up this time, and he knew it. (Y/N) was trying to close the deal on a large sale when he had come in trying to keep her from going to jail. He had thought the buyers were undercover cops, but at this point he was paranoid everyone was an undercover cop. He had busted in with a gun and almost shot her, causing the buyers to leave with the goods and the cash. After screaming at him, hearing the cops coming from a call about gunshots and then scattering, he knew that she was looking for him. Well, more like hunting him down.

"I should have never gone back to that dinner." he shook his head sitting on the ground outside the liquor store a block away from his apartment. He took another chug from the bottle, reminiscing about the first time he walked into Johnny's, the place where (Y/N) worked part time. He was so good back then, he had a job as a banker, good credit, a nicer apartment. Most of all he wasn't stuck in a drug ring with the most unforgiving, controlling, most violent girl he had ever fallen for. All it had taken was seeing her roll her eyes at another customer and slam his plate down for him to feel ignited.

"USOPP?!" (Y/N) screamed. People passing by didn't even seem to take notice. She was starting to get less pissed and more worried, he would have turned up by now. He always came running back, no matter what happened. She felt like shit, and just wanted to hug him, to know that he was okay and safe, "I should have never said yes." she thought to herself. It was Usopp that started everything, the one that banged on her door after following her home. He was the one that stormed in, got drunk and kissed her. That one kiss was all it took for her to never want to let go. She knew that they both felt it, she knew that no matter what happened he would stay.

It was only a few days after they met that Albert had completely changed himself for (Y/N). He had ditched the suit and tie for ripped jeans and a distressed shirt. His old clean-cut hair was now chopped, bleached, and dyes in-human colors. All of his old shoes were now converse and combat boots. He no longer wore belts and glasses, instead they were chains and contacts, beanies were also a statement piece that was at one time never considered. (Y/N) had changed too, she tried more. Instead of wearing the same thing days in a row, she put effort in. She styled her hair more often, wore more makeup, wore heels to try and match his height. She wore tighter, sexier clothes more often just for him. She didn't always swear, she tried to be smarter about her life and put in an effort to be a better person. She knew Usopp could hardly tell because her change wasn't as drastic, but she knew that she wasn't the same person without him.

"Albert, please?!" (Y/N) yelled, softer this time. She was getting desperate.

"What do you want?" she heard him respond. She looked down at a drunken mess sitting on the most infected ground anyone has seen. She was sure there were two rats fucking right next to him.

"Albert! What are you doing sitting on the ground?" she said bending over, which was hard in the heels, to help him up. He refused and slapped her hands away, this only pissed her off even more.

"I found a liquor store. And I drank it." he responded, laughing at his own bad joke. She rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of a smile. She knelt down next to him and placed her hand on his, he flinched away, "I don't like what you do to me. You make everything backwards, you aren't normal! What normal twenty-five year old is one of the heads of a giant drug ring?! What normal twenty-five year old has so much money, yet still works part time for a shitty dinner? What god damn, mother fucking, shit building twenty-five year old is so far gone that being nearly killed is normal?!"

(Y/N) just stood there, he wasn't wrong. She wanted him to finish, but she always had to have the last word, "Maybe I don't like what you do to me! Who the hell wants to try so hard in life? Do you know how much time I spend just trying to be better for you? Do you know how much of my life I had to alter to make it safer for you, easier for you? You don't fucking know me, you don't fucking know half of the shit I had to go through just so I could be on top for once, just so I could be slightly safer?! I don't need a fucking hero, I need you to stop interfering with my business and to just be my rock! Be the only fucking normal thing in my life! Don't change for me, just be you so I can feel like a normal god damn person for once! Do you understand fuckface? I don't need you to be like me! I need you to be like you, you goddamn drunken idiot! Can't you just do that for me? Can't you just be your old self to make me feel better?! Don't you love me?!" Usopp sat there shocked, thinking about everything she had just said, about every last thing he wanted from her. He thought about how much he loved her, how much he could barely breath without her. Usopp sat and thought about every last time he said he loved her, that he needed her. He moved his hands to the side of her face, she was crying harder than he had ever seen her cry. He brought her face close to his, so that their foreheads touched. Usopp took a long, deep breath before replying. The last breath of hope for (Y/N).


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