Zoro x Reader The Count Down

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You check your wrist. It says one day, three hours, and seven seconds. It's the time everyone on Earth has been waiting for. When you are born you have a countdown on your wrist, the countdown to when you meet your soulmate. You have been waiting for this. At only the age of (your age), you're meeting your soulmate earlier than your friends. You can't hardly wait to meet them. The issue of course with soul mates is the fact that who you are as a person could affect your relationship. If your soulmate turns out to be an ass, or against your sexual orientation, then it could rip you apart. Just because you're soul mates doesn't mean that you have to marry them. It happens more often because this is the person you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with and how can you not marry them, but not always. Your mom didn't marry her soul mate, she married another guy in spite of her soul mate. Your mom is homophobic and her soul mate was a woman. Her soul mate killed herself because her one and only hated her. When that happens you get a new timer on your wrist, a black one that counts down to the day you're going to die. This only shows up when your soulmate dies, for whatever reason. Thank god you know that you're pansexual though. It makes life easier, knowing that no matter what your soul mate is, you'll love them. You can't end up like your mom's soulmate, your father showed you pictures of her. His soulmate was a stillborn baby, he has grown up with the black counter.

"You excited?" your friend asked. She was your best friend, and was going to spend all day with you tomorrow to meet your soulmate with you. You were really excited. You're nineteen years old, and have been for three months. It was like a late birthday present. You honestly couldn't wait. Only a few hours between you and the rest of your life, but no matter how happy you are, you're so scared. What if they're like your mom? They won't be like your mom.

"Yeah, and scared to be honest. There are so many "what if's?". It's so nerve wracking!" you laugh. She nods at you.

"I understand babe, I totally understand. I bet it is. Look, I know you think that you're gonna end up like your mom's soul mate, but you're not. I have a really good feeling good about tomorrow." she says, patting your back. You relax knowing how right she always is when she follows her gut. You nod with her, "Come on, the faster we go to bed the faster we get to see your soulmate."

As you fall asleep you can see your friend's little clock. She's about a year from meeting her soulmate. You want to be there with her when she meets hers too. It's an important moment and she was always there for you. You go to sleep thinking about what your soulmate will be like.

"Okay, time to go. You have thirty minutes, where do you feel the most attracted to?" my friend asked. It's a common thing for the pair of soulmates to be drawn to the same place. Suddenly you feel like going to a dojo. There's only one in your town, your brother used to go there.

"The dojo. I feel like I need to be at the dojo." you say and your feet carry you there before you think about driving. You need to walk. Walking seems more important, cars and traffic will delay you. Your friend catches up to you, a little tired, so you slow down slightly so she can keep up. It's only fifteen minutes by the time you get into the dojo. There is a class going on, you sit on a bench inside and you watch everyone with your friend sitting next to you. There is one man there, constantly checking his wrist. You feel like you should be watching him more than anyone else. It's ten minutes now.

The man seems like the instructor. He is very strong looking and tan, and he dyed his hair green too. You look him up and down. There's something about him. Could he be your soulmate? You look at your wrist when he looks at his too, it says three minutes.

	"Alright kids, time to end class

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"Alright kids, time to end class. Bow before you leave and make sure to clean up!" the man calls in a deep rumbling voice. The parents and kids gather around and bow before they leave. You get up and you feel like you should move towards the man. You're suddenly worried about how you look you (e/c), your (h/l) and (h/c). How your outfit looks, your height. Everything doesn't seem good enough with the guy in front of you. You look at your watch one more time as he does, it says one second. You both look up at you walk into him.

"Hi. I'm (y/n)." you grin. Your friend is behind you, you can feel her ginning.

"Hi, (y/n)." the man breaths, he smells like sweat and a little booze, but you can live with that, "I'm Zoro."

(A/N: Hi, it's been awhile. I've been wanting to finish this story for a while. I think even though it's short, it's pretty good. I have another one on the way too! Look at me, using the time I'm awake at night to write for you beauties. <3 until next time, vote, comment, and share!)

(E/N: I actually like this idea a lot. My countdown has been finished for a while now and I'm extremely grateful. Have a nice day/night/thingy, lovelies <3)  

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