Chapter 3

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Bellamy Blake. I know that the name. I know the face. And now, I know the feeling of his skin, his warming smile, and the freckles that dot his nose and cheeks.

Bellamy Blake. As I sit on my warn couch in my room, I can't seem to shake the smirk off of my face. It was as if that one accidental touch confirmed everything: I'm attracted to Bellamy Blake.

"What are you thinking about?" My mom asks playfully, handing me a cup of tea. "Something interesting happen at work?" Her face seems to be beaming with joy...almost as if I wasn't the only one who encountered something life changing.

"Maybe...but do you want to tell me about your day? You look as equally happy." I take a sip of my tea, letting the warm bitterness ease down my throat.

"Yes..." She says, waiting until I beg for her to tell me.

"Well are you just going to sit there?!? Tell me what happened!" I say putting my mug on a small coffee table. I grip the sleeves of my shirt, rubbing them against my fingers...just like the bandage on Bellamy's back. She purses her lips to contain the overwhelming excitement.

"Kane happened." She says in a deep sigh. "He asked me to dinner tomorrow night."

Oh. She's moved on. She's moved on from dad.

"What did you say?" I fake an exciting voice and even muster up a cheesy smile. Really though, deep inside, I'm broken.

"I told him 'yes', however I told him I couldn't stay too late because I would have to come check on you and-"

"Mom," I chuckle, "I'm almost 20 years old. I think that I can take care of my self." She sighs. "Besides I got a new patient so I'd have to stay a little later anyways." My mom presses her hand against my cheek. They are cold and hardened.

"Thank you, honey. I know that this must be hard for you, but I really feel like this could be a new start for us." I bite my lip hoping the physical pain might distract me from the emotional burden. "I love you, Clarke. Goodnight." She whispers as she kisses my forehead...just like Bellamy's mom.

When she walks away into her bedroom, I bite my lip even harder. It's only been a year since my father was floated for exposing a confidential secret, but it was a secret that the Ark people needed to know. That's what I love...that's what I loved about my dad. He was willing to risk his life for others; even complete strangers.


Soon after Clarke left, I drifted to sleep with a smile on my face. That night, I dreamt about my mom, on Earth. I was with her and so was the new baby. We were living in a cabin in the woods with a field in the front and a pond I would go fishing on. Every night we would watch the gleaming stars, pointing out where the Ark ship might be. However, the best part is when I felt someone lay a cotton blanket across my shoulders, letting their arms wrap around me. I felt complete, especially when I would turn around to see Clarke.

"Bellamy." I squint at the bright light. "Bellamy, it's time to change that bandage again." The princess  fumbles through her scrub and pulls out purple rubber gloves and a long, cloth bandage.

"Good morning, Princess." I say. Immediately I blush in embarrassment from letting the nickname slip out of my mouth. But being the person I am, I play it as cool as possible. "Fancy seeing you here." She giggles as she pulls the gloves into her hands.

"Thanks...I guess." She helps me sit up like last night, and even sits behind me again. "How did you sleep last night?" She slowly begins wrapping the bandage around my stomach.

"I slept surprising well."

"Well I'm glad to hear that." All of a sudden I feel a tug on the wound that sends a sharp pain up my body, I allow a groan to escape my mouth. "What's wrong?" She asks, worried and in panic.

"I think the bandage is too tight." She switches to sitting in front of me and even bends down eye level to my stomach as she unravels the bandage.

"No I think it's caught on those stitches." She takes off one of her gloves and eases the cotton strands off of the stitches. It hurts some kinda awful, but her breath reaches my skin, and it numbs me like the best kind of painkiller. "There we go."

After she finishes, she hands me a tray of food and insist that she has to watch me eat it. It was awkward at first, but I got a conversation going.

"So do you like working in the medical bay?" I ask between a mouthful. "I heard that it's a lot of work." She sighs and sits down in a chair next to me.

"It is a lot of work, but your helping people. All of your work and energy is put towards helping humanity staying alive...just like all the jobs. But I'm sure your job is more interesting." She looks to the ground and giggles again. Gosh those giggles throw me off.

"Uh-yeah being a guard is interesting. It's pretty harsh, but it's filled with adventure." Clarke's eyes gleam with excitement and I can tell she automatically wants to hear more. "There's a period of time, when the council thinks we are ready, where we get sent down to Earth to collect data."

"To Earth?!" She gleams with interest. I chuckle at her excitement over what I hear practically everyday. "Well that's far more exciting then my job." She takes my empty plate of food. "I'm going to go put this away. When I come back I'm going to have to take a blood sample." She starts to walk towards the door, but I don't want her to go. Something inside of me wants her by my side 24/7.

When she gets to the door, it opens, my mom bursting through it. She's wearing a sagging sweatshirt, probably to cover her belly.

"Bellamy!" She screams. Clarke scooches out the door and quietly closes it. I turn back to my mom, her face full of worry and fear.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask pulling her fragile arms to me. She manages a smile, but it's obvious she's more terrified than amused.

"I can feel the baby moving already." She says. "We need Clarke."

Not Just a PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin