fuck around get smoked

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nya P.O.V

so i woke up this morning and seen kionte was not there

*runs in prods room*

me-*bangs on prods door shaking*

prod-heey baby sis

me-prod my baby is gone

prod-omfg call prince and see if he found u

*calls prince*

prince-*sleepy voice* nya.. hey

me-prince kionte is gone

prince-repeat that!

me-*yells* prince wake yo ass up my baby is gone

prince-im on my way to where are u exacly are u

me-im at prods house ill explain later but hurry

prince-ill be there in 3 mins

*3 mins past*

(bang bang bang)

prod- hey prince she is in the corner she wont talk to anyone

prince-areed man *walks over to nya* nya

me-*shaking*its all my fault prince its all my fault

prince-*holds her* no its not nya dont blame yourself

*gets call from unknown number*


???-hows life with the kids (laughing)

me-is this troi

troi-yup karmas a bitch right??

me-listen u ugly ass bitch u bring my baby back to me right now before i bust a cap in yo ass

troi-not so easy baby 

me- prince come with me  *runs upstairs to change in sweat pants and a t-shirt*

prince-nya where u going

me-correct we as in me u and prod are going to find troi so i an get my baby

prince-cool wheres audrey and kaylen

me-at arieland rocs and kaylen is with tt and ray i kept kionte because she was a little under the weather

prince-oh ok lets go

prod-im ready

*in the car*

prince-prod there she is

me-*runs out the car* troi wheres my baby

troi-*scared* uhh uhh she is in tht house but u not gettin her

me-*in her face* i bet i am*punches her in the face and starts kicking her and slapping her*

troi-get off of me nya

me-*gets off * troi this is ur last warning go get my baby before i bust a cap ur yo ass *pulls out a gun*

prince-nya u dont wanna do that

me-*shoot troi in her foot*pussy ass nigga

*then moni comes out of nowhere*

moni-nya u want kionte

prod-wtf are u doing here


me-moni u was apart of this

moni-yea i was the one who came and took her

me-why would you do that *grabs kionte and hands her to prince*

moni-u took my lover from me nya

me-no i didnt he is my brother u ass u know what moni fuck u u stupid bitch u can go to hell*runs in the car*

prince-*runs after her*

prod-moni u real messed up


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