Chapter 11

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Ross' POV

I did not like having to take Daniel home, but I managed to get him in the car and ready to go. This little boy had become my entire life. I took my time driving to Jen's place. I couldn't wait to get Daniel again. When I arrived, Jen's car was gone, but there was another in the driveway, and when I went to the door, a guy answered.

"Hey, Jen got called into work, she should be back any minute, you um, can drop him off or wait here till she gets back," he offered.

"I'll wait," I said holding Daniel. I wasn't comfortable just dropping him off with some guy.

"Okay, sure, come on in." he said, "I'm um, I'm mark, Jeny's boyfriend."

Fantastic. Out loud I said," im Ross," I entered and holding Daniel. He was slobbering on Abba.

"He looks just like you," he commented, "Except the eyes. they are all Jeny for sure."

"Thanks and he does have Jeny's eyes," I said. The blonde little guy was content in my arms.

He looked around a little as if searching for Jen.

We only had to sit in silence for like five minutes before I heard Jeny pull in. She came racing in really quick.

"I am so sorry!! I got a call at like two hours ago, begging me to come in!!" she said, "One of my special patients was finally recovering and heading home and they wanted me to have a chance to see him and check on him before he went."

"That's fine, I wasn't in a hurry," I said.

"Ross, Mark, Mark Ross, im sure you got to that already," she said, taking Daniel from me and then gently handing him to Mark who happily took him and Daniel just smiled, gently tapping his cheek. Daniel would make friends with anyone.

"I should go," I said.

"Um, yea of course," she said. I kissed my boys temple, told him I loved him and exited. Boyfriend?! since fucking when? not that I care, just weird. this guy was gonna be around my kid! I got home still upset.

"Hey man. you look pissed, what happened?" Rocky asked, sitting comfortable with his girlfriend Jolene on the couch, the one he mentioned before that tour a year ago, still together, and moved her here.

"Yeah I'm pissed," I answered. I couldn't believe she hadn't told me about the boyfriend either.

I didn't like it.

"Why man?" he asked, stroking her hair as she slept, with her head din his lap.

"Jen's dating some guy, who's getting comfortable around Daniel," I said.

"Okay? and? you two are split, you made it clear you couldn't trust her or wanna be with her, why shouldn't she move on?" he asked.

"I just don't want him around my kid," I said.

"Well, sadly Ross, you don't get that choice, you don't even know this guy" he said.

"I definitely don't want to know the guy," I said.

I didn't even want Daniel to know him.

"Well Jeny's with him, and you need to accept that because of that he's going to be around him, and may even start calling him daddy mark when he gets bigger, or dada now. he's a part of his life just like any girl you may be seeing would be" he said, "This is what happens with blended and split families you don't get it because we didn't have to know, but now you know what Jeny went thru, from her moms to her dads and constantly feeling stuck in the middle, don't do that to your boy Ross."

"I want what's best for Daniel and now he'll be confused and it's all Jen's fault," I said angrily.

"He wont be confused, he'll just grow up knowing he is gonna have two dads, and two moms someday. it'll be normal for him, he's just a baby." he said.

"That's not normal," I said. Rocky just didn't get it. I went up to my room.

"Ross" Rydel said, knocking on my door, "I um, was gonna go out with some friends. one last time before the surrogacy, they're all single, you wanna come with?"

I was about to say no but decided I had every right to go out. "I'll go with," I said opening my door.

"Alright, let's go you remember Chrissy." she said, "She's coming with." Chrissy oh right the really sexy Hispanic older friend of hers.

"Oh yea, I remember Chrissy, that girl plays hard to get. I tried." I chuckled.

"Try asking her to dinner instead of your bed Ross Lynch, might go over better" she chuckled.

"Yeah yeah," I said. I didn't know how but I'd change Chrissy's mind. I'd do it somehow.

"Alright then, lets get moving mister." she chuckled. We headed out and as soon as we reached the restaurant we got seated with her group of friends, placing me right next to Chrissy and her friend Courtney Eaton. We'd worked together on a few things in the past, so I knew her at least.

"Hey Ross. long time no see." Courtney chuckled.

"Been busy," I said. I wasn't going to announce I had a kid. Rydel's single friends looked good.

"Oh Ry told us you have a baby now I bet he's ADORABLE!!!" she grinned.

"Yeah I have a ton of pictures," I said.

"OH MY GOSH!!" they all squealed and hovered around me to look at all the pictures I had of Daniel. Well at least I wasn't the one to tell. The girls went gaga over Daniel's pictures.

"Oh my gosh he's so cute." Courtney oogled, "He looks just like you," she said, her head horribly close to mine. man she smelled good.

"Yeah um, hey court. maybe we could um, go have dinner tomorrow, by ourselves?" I whispered softly. I heard the other girls sighed a bit disappointed. Apparently my boy was a babe magnet.

"Sure," she whispered back with a smile on her face.

"Awesome. tomorrow, wherever you want to go, you pick, I'll pay." I said, softly.

"Thanks, I'm looking forward to it," she said quietly, keeping her voice so only I could hear it.

"Good and maybe when I get Daniel again, you can meet him. if things go well tomorrow." I smiled.

"I'd like that." she said. I felt better after having made plans.tomorrow night would be great.

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