Chapter 5

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Minnie's POV

I stared at another negative pregnancy test. Over the past year they'd all been negative, Riker and I had stopped buying condoms and I was off the pill.

"I don't get it," I sighed throwing the test out.

"Negative again?" Rike asked from outside the bathroom door.

"Yeah," I choked out, unlocking the door.

I felt the tears coming to my eyes at the thought I wasn't getting pregnant.

"Baby maybe we are trying too hard," Riker said pulling me to his chest.

"Really?" I asked softly.

"I don't know, maybe we should go see a doctor?" he asked.

"Well everything else failed. A doctor is all that's left," I said quietly.

"Okay. I'll make an appointment." he said, softly, 'Baby this will happen for us it has too."

"I want us to have kids very much," I said softly.

It's all we'd been doing every spare chance we got.

"I know babe, I know," he whispered, holding me.

"GUYS!!! GUYS!" we heard Rydel shout out as she came home, "EVERYONE DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!!!"

"Let's go see what she wants," Riker said.

We headed downstairs and she looked in shock.

"Jeny. I saw Jeny," she said, after we all got settled, and Ross had just strolled into the room.

"Was there a sale at the mall or something?" Ross asked," you were screaming so loud."

"No I saw Jeny," Rydel repeated," at Costco."

"Jeny?" he said, his face paling, then he shook it off, "Okay, so what? shes worth hollering over? We done here?"

Ross' POV

"NO!! No we are not. she had a baby. a son, YOUR son Ross," she shouted.

I felt like I had been kicked I could barely stand.

"You're lying," I said," she wouldn't take my son away from me."

"She did, I saw him, and she admitted it he's beautiful, looks just like you, his name is Daniel YOU HAVE A SON!!!" she insisted, tears in her eyes, "he's perfect Ross, you have to find them again!!"

I was in shock." I don't even know if I want her after this. She left me and kept my son from me!"

"Then you at least need to find HIM!! you deserve to be a father to your son," she said, shoving her phone at me. She had a photo she must have snuck of him after Jeny turned her back.

I looked at the picture," he's cute ," I said. I dialed my lawyer to talk to him.

"Ross? good to hear from you. another fan upset?" he asked.

"No no nothing like that this is important." I said.

I spilled the story and information to my lawyer.

"Alright, so what are you asking me to do? tell me and ill get it done." he said.

"I want my son in my life," I said.

"Okay, full custody or parenting time or what?" he asked.

"Anything." I said, then hung up.

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