Protecting Daniel: Chapter 6

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Ross's POV

"Whos a handsome baby?? YOU are thank goodness you look like your mama." rocky cooed.

I watched my brother and seeing my son made me want my family, but how could I trust Jen again.

"Hey look, it's your daddy" Rydel cooed.

I smiled as I went over there," hey buddy," I said.

I picked him up and just held him, him just gazing up at me in wonder, almost as if he knew

"I show him pictures all the time" Jen said, softly, sitting in a chair, giving me space with my son.

"Thank you," I said. I played with my son.

"You're welcome," she smiled and just watched us. She was smiling, but she had tears in her eyes. I loved every second and didn't want to let go.

"You are such a handsome boy. wait till you see the room I'm getting ready for you. maybe soon you can come live with your daddy," I cooed.

"Wh what!" Jen managed to get out.

"Like come live with me sometimes half with me, half with you" I shrugged, "I dunno, we'll see."

"Oh," she said.

"What else did you expect J?" I asked.

"I dunno, being a family, or you wanting to take him from me." she said.

"You kept him from me but maybe we can work this out," I said.

"Anything you wanna do Ross, I'll do it" she promised.

"I think since you brought him to visit. Half the time with me and half with you is fair," I said.

"Okay. um, do you have things for him already?" she asked.

'Not yet. but in a few days I will." I said.

"Okay," she said," that's good."

"So after those few days I'll like him for a week or so make up some time." I said.

"Alright," she said sounding nervous.

I didn't respond. I knew a part of her must have hoped I'd just wrap her in my arms and kiss her and tell her I didn't care what happened I was just happy to have her back, but I couldn't not yet.

There was a long way to go before I could think of forgiving her. We'd see if I could take her back after that.

Riker came downstairs without Minnie.

"Hey Rike, where's Minnie? you wanna hold your nephew?" I asked.

"She's sleeping," Riker said. He smiled seeing Daniel."sure," he said. I gently handed him over and he smiled, sitting with him.

"He's beautiful Ross," he said, playing with Daniel's fingers.

"I'm so glad to have him around," I said happily.

"I can tell," he said. Jeny was silent, keeping to herself, before Ryder pulled her upstairs out of the way. I smiled. There was just this amazing feeling from holding my son. Riker was great with him too.

"It'll happen for you guys. I know it will," I said, gently patting his back.

"Thanks bro, we really want kids," he said.

"I know you do and you will," I said.

"So what are you gonna do call your lawyer, cancel out the custody motion?" he asked.

"She's been agreeable so I probably will call it off," I said.

"I figured she would be. she loves you Ross I could see it. you could have your life back," he said.

"That'll take awhile to trust her again," I said.

"I know, I just, I think she was just really scared, and made a stupid decision." he said.

"I can't forgive her that easily," I said," it'll take me time."

"I know just be careful l. For her to just swing back in after being gone so long there may be more to it." he said.

"Well I'm not stupid so she better not be up to something," I said.

"I didn't mean all that. I just meant maybe shes sincere that seeing Rydel really knocked her back to reality," he said.

"Maybe. We'll have to wait and see what she says and does," I said," she broke my trust."

"I know," he relented.

I hoped she was here for good reasons and true ones.

Jen's POV

"I cant Rydel, it hurts so much to be around him, he's so cold. its not what I expected." I choked out, crying into her arms.

Rydel hugged me," he's just hurt. He needs time," she said.

"I know, I just, I guess it was stupid, thinking he'd just hold me to him, tell me he loved me and nothing had changed, that he forgave me." I said, softly, :To think of how much I destroyed him, it kills me."

"He's been acting out for awhile. He'll be fine again soon. Give him time."

"Actin out?" I asked.

"Hanging out with groupies. I guess killing his pain."

"Oh god, what have I done?" I choked out.

"It's his choice. You didn't do it," she said.

"I caused it. me hurting him, caused him to be that way." I said, putting my head in my hands, "I never should have left."

"You had no way of knowing he'd become a mess."

"I just, want US back you know the making love constantly, the police getting called because they think im being murdered," I giggled thru my tears, "To think he's been with anyone else, it just kills me."

"It's not the same as being serious about someone else. He was serious about you," she said.

"I know, but to think he was making love to someone besides me, making them scream for him, it kills me, I haven't been with anyone after Ross, no one. he was my first and is still my only." I said.

"I'm sorry. But like I said it was acting out."

"I know.' I said, softly.

"Rydel whats all the-- Jeny?" I heard and glanced up to see Minnie. Oh god, here it goes. she's gonna slap me isn't she?

Minnie seemed uncomfortable," uh how are you?" She asked.

"I'm um, okay I ugh brought Daniel to see Ross let them bond," I said, softly.

"Oh that's nice," she said still uncomfortable.

"Minnie, please, whatever you're thinking, just come out and say it," I begged.

"Why me> I get running from him and this life, but why me?!?! we were supposed to be best friends!! I would have kept your whereabouts secret I would have. I just, we were supposed to be life friends forever J." she said. I whimpered a bit.

"I was selfish and stupid, there is nothing else I have, there's no excuse for what I did" I said.

"Then there's your answer there's nothing left," she said softly.

"Okay. I completely understand" I said, softly, "I um, I should go." I stood up and headed out, and went to retrieve Daniel without a word, ignoring the questions and going out to my car to buckled him in. I couldn't face anyone right now. I got him securely in, and got in driving off.

Ross to J: don't u dare be running off again!!! I want my son.

J to Ross: and you will, as soon as you get the nursery and things set up let me know and you can come get him for a couple weeks.

Ross: good. I'll keep in touch.

Protecting DanielOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora