Chapter 9 - The End To The Beginning

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Scott, Stiles and Allison they all go back to how it all started and they find out where the Nemeton is, unlucky they were in the water for 16 hours, meaning less than 4 fours before the moonrise. They had little time to find their parents. 

After that Scott still thinks he has no choice but to join Deucalion once more, since Jennifer was with Cecillia he needed Deucalion's help to defeat her and he was going to return, Allison really wants Scott to change his mind and so she asks Deaton for help but instead Deaton agrees with Scott saying Deucalion could actually be helpful as in being a bait to attract Jennifer so they could defeat her. 

As Stiles goes to his house to get something from his father so that Scott can smell to track him, Scott, Isaac and Allison go to her house in order to do something similar, but as they get there they are surprised with the presence of Scott's father and two deputies. 

As Lydia and Ethan go to Derek's apartment, to meet Aiden and Isabella, Jennifer shows up and a storm begins while Scott, Isaac, Allison get to the Beacon Hills Preserve, and Deucalion meets them on the rise overlooking Beacon Hills. Scott goes with Deucalion, being on the two of them to fight against Jennifer, while he gives orders to Isaac to get Stiles and get to the root cellar. 

Still at Derek's apartment Jennifer tells Derek how everything she has done was for him and everyone who had been a victim of the Alpha pack, but as usual Derek doesn't seems to care, until she says he can save the parents by becoming her guardian, Derek replies with the fact that he is no longer an Alpha and he can't possibly happen but Jennifer doesn't seems to mind with that, she just needs Deucalion in the right place and right time and he has Scott so she can only make it with Derek's help. She leaves a comment in how the eclipse will only last for 15 minutes and that's the time she has to finish Deucalion while he's powerless. 

Allison and Isaac search on the woods for the Nemeton, but with the storm Isaac isn't able to pick up any scent, while that Stiles crushes into a tree staying unconscious. Allison and Isaac keep searching until he's able to hear the mini ultrasonic emitter that Chris Argent had with him and Isaac recognizes it right away. They finally find the the giant tree and the entrance to the root cellar, Chris gets relieved to see Allison and soon they begin to untie them all, as the Sheriff and Melissa ask for their own sons. Unlucky due to the storm the exit of the surface is blocked and quickly it begins to collapse and Isaac is able to hold one of the main supports keeping it from the total collapse. 

Scott and Deucalion arrive to the distillery  and sends a video text to Jennifer tell her to meet them there. The moon is nearly rising. She arrives there and Scott is deeply surprised to see Derek arriving with her. 

- What are you doing? - Scott asks not following Derek's idea.

- I'm trying to help. 

By that Deucalion starts to shift and neither Jennifer or Derek can defeat him as he is really powerful, he is able to dominate Jennifer and demands Scott to kill her, telling him that she's going to bury the parents alive and he must become the Alpha he is meant to be and become a killer, but Scott replies that the parents aren't dead yet and his pack will save them. Meanwhile the eclipse begins and Scott, Derek and Deucalion return to their human form.

Back at the nemeton when the cellar roof was about to come down and bury them all, Stiles appears and shoves the bat under under the beam giving them some extra time. 

In the distillery  Jennifer shows up again in her true form and throws Scott across the room as she starts to beat up Deucalion banging his head in the cement floor, Jennifer gives Deucalion his sight back after Derek saying he has no idea how her true face really looks like, after that she stays weak and asks Derek to kill Deucalion for her, but he refuses to do it saying his mother once told him that he was a predator but he didn't had to be a killer, by that Jennifer starts beating him as he  is still powerless, but soon he gets his strength back and she steps away tossing mountain ash into the air forming a circle around her.

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