Imagine: "Please Don't Break Up With Me!" Part 1

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You lay in you and Sam's bed thinking. You were thinking too hard at that. You thought about Sam. How he was the perfect man...then it hit you! He was NOT the perfect man, why? That reasoning is because he was never there to comfort you when you were scared. He basically wasn't there at all. It hurt so much, you felt so much pain in your heart.

A few minutes later you decided to call Sam.

"Hey it's Sam, Leave a message."

"Are you kidding me?" You ask yourself. You were beyond furious now. That's when you decided to phone Dean.

"Hey, cupcake. How's it going?" He asked you, being his usual self.

"Put Sam on the phone, NOW!" You hadn't realized you yelled the 'now' part.

"Whoa, who got your panties in a bunch?"

"Damn it, Dean! Get him on the phone!" You snapped.

"Okay, okay. SAMMY, come here. Your girlfriend is on the phone and shes PISSED!" You heard Dean laughing on the other end.  You rolled your eyes. Dean was such an ass sometimes.

"Hey baby, you okay?" He asked you and he seemed rather calm.

"How far are you from home?" You asked, ignoring his question.

"Uh..just a few minutes why?"

"We need to talk." That's all you said and hung up.


Several minutes later Sam and Dean had shown up.

"Sammy, don't piss her off more, she might kill you." Dean chuckles and pats Sam on the back.

"Hi baby, what's up?" He sat down on the bed next to you.

You turned on your side so you didn't have to look at him. "We need to break up." You say calmly.

"(Y/N), WHAT, Why?" He was shocked. He nudged your back.

You couldn't help it, you started crying and let out a loud sob.

"Hey. Hey. Turn around and look at me." He bit his lip.

You slowly turned around, but had your eyes closed. You couldn't look at him now, you just couldn't.

"Please look at me." He placed his hand under your chin and forced you to look at him.

"Now whats wrong, baby? Why do you want to break up?"

You looked up at him, and felt all the anger flood up in you. "Sam, you're never here. I'm scared all the time and you're never here. I am paranoid that somethings going to come here and attack me but YOU ARE NEVER HERE!" You ended up screaming up the last words.

You then saw tears coming out of Sam's eyes. "I'm sorry. I've just been so busy on this hunt. I know it's been a while but I can fix this, I promise. Please, (Y/N) don't break up with me!"

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