"No..." I allowed a smile to return to my face but it wavered as she shot me a narrowed look, her frown still prominent. "But one thing."

Hesitant, I reminded myself that I needed to play peace maker and sighed before offering a reluctant, "What?"

"Say it."

After she didn't say anything else, confusion took over my trepidation. "Say what, Lara," I asked, irritated.

She sat forward. "Say Dylan O'Brien is better than-"

"No," I said dangerously, cutting her off as my anger returned, more focused and leveled so that it wasn't an outburst, uncontrolled and wild, but a focused stream of fire that was so much more dangerous because it could be used as a weapon any second I so needed. I had tried to make peace. She was the one who was the problem now.


"No," I shot back, my irritation flaring.

She was getting mad again too, her arms unfolding so she flattened her palms on the table. "Yes!" She stood up, perhaps hoping to intimidate me as I'm sure I did last time. She was much shorter than me though, and now I was using my rage as a defense, unaffected and ready for a fight unlike she was last time when I took her off guard.


"Why are you so- UGH!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

As she plopped back down into her seat, my expression twisted into a sneer. "Why am I? Why are you so insistent on me saying it!"

She shrugged, rolling her eyes. "Because it's true!"

My teeth grinned together as I tried to keep myself calm enough to keep the argument at a respectful volume as we were in still in public. I shouldn't, but I felt offended. "Look, I like Dylan. I respect your preference for him and do my own fan girling for him. Why can't you accept that I like Thomas better? Or, respect Thomas enough not to compare the two. They're different. They're both talented and successful and- and people! Respect that!" I demanded, leaning in.

She scoffed. "It's not that big of a deal! They'll never hear you either way. Just say it!" She insisted.

"If it's not a big deal, why is it so important to you?  Why are you so worked up about me saying it?" I was so confused and irritated, my brain was beginning to shut down. My volume rose.

In response, so did hers. "Because."

"Because why?" I pressed, my stomach twisting as I tried to keep myself from storming off since I'd most definitely get lost and it would put a damper on the rest of our trip.

"Because," she continued, getting even more in my face.

I huffed and stood up, giving up as I realized we were getting too loud and angry. If anything would ruin our trip, a huge fight over two men who didn't even really matter in our real lives would definitely do the trick- especially when they were so emotionally important to both of us. "I'm not saying it and you're not going to drop it, so I'll see you in our hotel later when you cool the fuck off." Then I left. I walked a little ways away, knowing Lara would want to take the car because she hated walking. I folded my arms and walked until there wasn't a crowd. "Why can't she just- UGH!" I wanted to punch something.

You may ask why this meant so much to me. The thing is, Lara knew. She knew about how lonely I'd been. How my parents had been so hateful and discouraging all my life. She knew that I had leaned on the idea of being an actress to keep me going.

As my mind cleared I felt guilty. Even if she hadn't heard it, I was accusing her of being a bad friend and that wasn't fair. Sure, she knew my past, but she didn't know how it connected to my love of Thomas. She didn't know that I looked up to Thomas and his acting skills. That my love for acting had manifested in my love for Thomas' acting, looking up to him as an example of success and pillar of what people should be like. She couldn't possibly know, and here I stood accusing her. Goodness.

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