Gene... The First and the Last Chapter

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      Life, which has a sudden ability to change our lives in one way or another through different events, is indeed stunning.
But the kind of change that we don't usually accept as human beings is the one related to chaos things like divorce, insanity and suicide.
Yet, I never though that this day will come; the day when I fully understand that no matter how great we are or how great thinkers we might be, we might still stand on the edge of insanity, and we might indeed fall into the valley of disappointment and eventually die.
Regardless of this long introduction, I'll share the story with you with its details but you have to lend me both your ears and mind, yet I'm not sure you'll be alright after hearing this, so if you want to take a step back and carry on with your life normally, this is the right moment to do it.

We all have that one childhood friend that we have this kind of strong relation with and the highest rate of mutual interests; the type of friendship that gives you the ability to understand each other without even blinking, and you both have that special type of telepathy.
That was the deal between me and James. We knew one another since we learnt how to spell our own names till the very moment I had to lay dirt on his coffin. We had this bond between us that our names always used to come preceding each other's but now I'm only me without James before nor after my name.

He was isolated; not antisocial kind of isolated, but he was a planet, the seed of creation, sky and earth, god's secrets lie deep within him under the dirt now, he was a writer .. a very special writer. He wrote novels about crimes and unsolved cases, but he never met any huge success because reading isn't today's fashion, plus his divorce crushed his motivation.
His wife, Eve, was so into life, and she had her aims up high, and by the time she figured out that James won't give her what she forever desired she simply left, leaving him and their daughter, Athena, all alone.
That's the thing about people who clutches to life with all they have: they have no problem in leaving anything or anyone that doesn't fulfill their desires.

Sorry, where was I?

Yes, yes. The message!

This is what I found...

" Dear whoever reads this,

I want you to know that I've done lots of horrible things in my life, but none of them is worth the punishment of death.
It's been days since I decided to sit where I am now.
72 hours, I counted every second of them yet the knocking didn't stop. Therefore, I won't let anything take my soul nor my heart.
I am powerful and I know that what I'm doing is the summit of insanity but this is what I decided and by the time you'll be reading this I think I'll be already dead.

     Surveillance cameras from buildings around him told the beginning of the story then when I visited his house I saw the perfect image.

He, as expected, was sitting behind his desk which was in front of a window, writing, like always, a new story about a gang that seduces people in varied ways and eventually kill them and sell their origins in the black market. They would knock on your door pretend they are from a company that sells any kind of product and try to convince you to give it a try and so on the commit the deed.
I went through his papers and I found something that appeared very interesting.

Apparently while James was writing someone knocked brutally on the door and all what he thought of is that the gang knew that he was writing about them, he felt a cold breeze in the room yet the window was sealed shut. He was terrified.
All what he could do is to take a candle, a pen, and a paper which he wrote his final words on. He ran to his bedroom, turned off all the lights, sat inside the closet, lit the candle, and hid there for days.
The lines were written with shaking hands, and they said:

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