I nod."I will."

"Good. What's it for anyway?" He asks, his brown eyes searching mine.

"Eh figured since it'd be just girls in the hot springs for a bit.. Figured why not bring some for girl bonding." I shrug, and he lets go, nodding.

"What ya looking at bringing?" He asks, looking at the bottles on the shelf I was in front of.

"Actually, I don't know. I know what I like, but not everyone will like it, and I should probably bring something with not as much of a kick, for anyone that isn't big on the harder stuff." I admit, as I glance at him.

"Here. This one has a slight sweetness to it, and it goes down easy enough." He says, taking a bottle of wine, and handing it to me.

I take it, stashing it in my bag, before going over to the more hard liquor. "Now that I think about it, I don't know what kinda alcohol you like." He says quietly, as he makes his way over standing next to me.

"Actually, I don't drink as much as I used to. But I still like a little hard liquor, here and there. I preferred Vodka, or Whiskey." I answer him, pulling a bottle of vodka off the shelf, before stashing it in the bag.

"Shit. Be careful with that." He adds, his eyes widening at my choice.

I roll my eyes at him. "I'll be fine. Plus I can hold my liquor. I admit I don't drink as much since I got on board, but I used to out drink some guys in my day." I tell him, laughing. He shakes his head, smiling slightly, before taking my hand, leading me towards the deck.

"Come on idiot, everyone's probably already up there." He adds, as he pulls me along.

We reach the deck, to find everyone ready, waiting for us. "Oops." I say, glancing at everyone.

"I don't even want to know what took you so long." Russell says, laughing at us.

"Pervert." I reply rolling my eyes.

"Alright crew, now that everyone's here. Let's get going." Morgan announces, and we all start to leave the ship, Morgan and Cecilia at the front, leading everyone.

We catch sight of the Rika crew, as we reach a big building. It was pretty, slightly older looking, but it had a charm to it, with its wooden walls, almost like a cabin of sorts. Plus, with the surrounding forest it looked even more like a cabin. "Alright, everyone find your rooms then we'll regroup in a bit?" Morgan asks, looking at everyone. We all nod, before heading off in our usual groups of two, in search of our rooms.

We reach the room, me and Nate looking around, before I go off to the bathroom to change. I grab a towel, wrapping it around myself, before leaving the bathroom. "What ya got the towel wrapped around ya for?" Nate asks, raising an eyebrow.

               I shrug. "Well, partially because I'm re thinking the bikini I got, second, do you want me walking around in just a swimsuit?" I ask smirking at him.

               "On second thought here take one of my shirts too." He says, going over to his bag, and throwing one of his white t shirts at me.

              I catch it, laughing as I pull it over my head. I grab my bag, before heading out, and we all meet up in a front room, the Rika boys standing with ours. I go with the girls, though we notice Fuzzy hasn't appeared yet. "Where's the blonde from the Rika?" Penelope asks, looking at us.

Playing for Keeps (a PIL fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now