DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Welcome To Belleville

Chapter 3 Part 1: A New Friend

When you opened your eyes, you were amazed by what you saw. “It’s beautiful.” you said. Another castle but this time it wasn’t so evil and dark. Then you noticed where you were, “I’m in a tree!” You yelled. You were standing on a branch on a big green pine tree. “How did I end up in a tree?! More importantly how do I get down?!” As you tried to position yourself, your foot slipped and you screamed as you fell to the snowy cold ground.


You opened your eyes and yelled, “Doctor!” While sitting up right. When your vision cleared you saw you were in a room and looking in the face of a woman.

She had a gentle voice that said, “Slowly, you took a hard fall you don’t want to stress yourself.” you lowered yourself back on to the bed you were laying on. “My name is Lune.”

“Uh, where am I?” you asked after introducing yourself.

“You are in Belleville, the great kingdom of the Desgens.” As she said it, she pushed her hair back and you saw long pointy ears. She was an elf! “Can I ask you a question now?” You nodded, your head still pounding.

“Knock yourself out.”

“Why would I do that?” She asked confused.

“No, it’s just a saying from where I’m from. It means go ahead.”

“Oh, well I want to know who the Doctor is? You spoke of him in and out of your sleep.”

So you explained to her about your quest and who the Doctor was. You told her of your adventures with him and how wonderful he was and how he saved worlds and even the universe.

“So you’ve traveled through time?” She asked.

“Yep and I’m not the only one there’s been many. The Children of Time we’re called.”

“The Doctor sounds amazing!” She said with a look of aw on her face.

“He is and once you’ve met him you’ll be changed forever.”

“And he does all this without killing.” She asked.

“Yep his own planet was destroyed because of war so he does whatever he can to not cause death.”

“I wish he was here now then.” She said sadly.

“Why?” you asked, “What's wrong? What's happening?”

“Today the Great Queen Star rebels against her husband the king. She has a whole army and I just know there will be a lot of bloodshed.”

“So I got here in the middle of a revolution?” you asked. She nodded. “But I need to find those pages.” Now you were worried.

“The pages about the Doctor?” She asked.


“I might be able to help with that.” She said with a smile.

Chapter 3 Part 2: Strong

Bellevillewas one of the most beautiful places you have ever seen. You were on a eleven horse riding next to Lune on your way to the city. “I am the queen’s first lady. Which means I am her closets servant.”

“So you must be high in stance around here then.” You said.

She blushed, “I guess, but I’m still a servant.” As she explained to you about the history of the city you looked around at the many different people living their daily lives.

Doctor Who Adventure: The Doctor's Story (Adventure 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ