DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story-Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Follow the Leader

Chapter 2 Part 1: A Whole Lot of Weird

You opened your eyes and looked around. Where were you? Not on Earth that was for sure. The place was made of mounds of pointy blue purple rocks. The sky held a big green and yellow planet surrounded in rings and the air felt humid somehow.

That’s when you heard scuttling from behind you. You spinned around, “Hello?”

You saw a shadow move behind a rock. “I’m not going to hurt you I’m just looking for something important.”

You heard a weird sound and saw flashing lights in the distance.

When you walked toward it, you saw a woman. She was standing there, “Hi,” You said. She didn’t respond instead you heard music and then she started to dance. Apparently you had interrupted a rehearsal. During the performance lights flashed from the ground and people in long blue and pink dressed came from nowhere and began to dance in this very weird way yet it was graceful. As they dance you couldn’t help but sway and get entranced in the way they moved.

When it was over the people disappeared and the only one left standing there was the women from the beginning. She was tall with long blonde gold hair, she looked human except for her eyes. They were wide and stared at everything like it was new.

“Wow,” You said walking toward her, “That’s was… weird.” She cocked her head to the side and looked at you.

“Can I help you?” She said in a very thick accent you had never heard before.

“Yes actually.” you said remembering why you were here, “I’m looking for these, pages or scrolls I don’t know what they look like. They could be slabs of stone for all I know. And they go to a book I have to find.”

She seemed to think about it for a second and then said, “Follow me.” And walked off.

Chapter 2 Part 2: No One Wants To Be Alone

You walked with her until you came to some kind of field. In the middle of the field there were stones. Giant stones pointing straight up and in a half circle. She pointed out a finger like a zombie. “What you are seeking is that way.”

“Over there.” You said making sure. She nodded, “Okay then. Be back in a gif.”

You walked toward the stones and as you did the fog surrounding the area seemed to get thicker and thicker.

By the time you reached the stones, the fog was so thick you weren’t sure where you were. Then you saw a shadow and the mist blew around. What was that? You thought then more movement. You slowly walked away trying not run, “Who’s there?” you asked. You kept walking until your back ran into one of the stone pillars. Whatever was chasing you was getting closer. You heard a low moaning sound and footsteps moving toward you. You could tell the creature was way taller then you as it lumbered over. When it was so close you could have reach out and touched it, a gust of wind blew the fog away and you saw it.

You screamed with terror. The creature was tall and boney. It didn’t have a mouth but rather slits in its skin that moved as it took in the foggy air and then exhaled it out of the holes in its face where its nose should have been. You kept screaming as you waited for the creature to rip you apart with its long fingers and claws. But after five seconds of no painful death you realized the creature was screaming too.

Doctor Who Adventure: The Doctor's Story (Adventure 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin