Chapters 33-36

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In the morning no one was there, but there was food on the table; so we ate. We moved back to the bed and John carefully removed my eye bandage. “James, it looks better. Can you see alright?” John asked as he laid the bandage on the table.

“Yes John, thanks,” I replied as I stood and went back to the bed.

“James...” John started as he began to get up.

“What John?” I asked angrily as I stared at the floor.

“It is strange that no one is here,” he told as he moved closer.

“Yes, maybe something good is happening,” I purred before Ringmaster entered. “Hi.”

“Hello James, I need your help; but first lets drop John off with his brother,” Ringmaster told as he tossed us clothes, which we quickly slipped on.

We ran to the doctor's tent, where John left us; then Ringmaster and I dashed to the circle cage, where many of my Big cat friends sat. He locked the door behind me and I quickly stared at him. “Ringmaster!” I cried as I grabbed the bars of the cage.

“James, don't worry. I want you to do the show tonight, so prepare,” he laughed before he left.

I turned back to the Big cats and looked at who I had. There were two male lions, three lionesses, a tigress, and five male tigers all in a row; plus, all but one were kids. I pulled out the hoop and had them jump through it, over others, and had one jump through while another went under. I had them weave through the poles; then they were rolling around and pretending to fight. I sat down as the staff took the Big cats away, leaving me all alone. I put my face in my sweaty hands and waited.

Hours passed and my stomach growled; then Tom appeared and unlocked the door. I ran to greet him and we headed to Robi's room. I ate with my family and was the happiest I had been in a week. We finished eating; then Robi sent for Ringmaster and he quickly arrived. “Your majesty,” he greeted with a huge smile.

“Ringmaster,” Robi purred as he kissed her hand. “James is ready now.”

“Thank you,” he chuckled before we went to the circle tent. He removed my chains, lying them on a nearby stool and handed me a lion's tamer outfit, which I quickly put on; then I performed the show. The show was a success, even up with the ones Annie does; but sadly as soon as it was over, I had to switch back into the horrible prisoner clothes and have the chains replaced. He and I slowly walked to my room, talking of improvements needed before he locked me in there alone.

34.My Plan, My Hope

John appeared with a tray of food a few minutes later, which we both quickly devoured. My chains jingled and chinked as they hit the table, but otherwise there room was silent. I stared at John for a quick moment and observed a great change. He was dressed in a lab coat like his brother wore and his wrists were bare. No chains or ropes to scratch his skin raw. “John! Your chains...they're gone!” I cried happily.

Living Like A Lion-The PrisonerWhere stories live. Discover now