~Chapter five~

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ChanHyun's P.O.V
"Come on!" I pull her hand and drag her inside my car "The guys are moving!"

I didn't bother putting my sit belt on and followed the back van in front of me.

"ChanHyun! Slow down!" Bomi-unni said,holding tightly on her sit belt "And mind telling me what's happening???"

"I told you already! I'm getting married!"

"But why are we following BTS? Are you being a sasaeng fan again?" She sigh "I still have to pick up MiHyun from school."

I stopped the car as the van in front of me stopped then I turned at Bomi-unni "Unni! I need to follow my fiancé to make sure that he's not marrying me while having an affair! Duh!"

I waited for her to say something but she was just staring straight ahead with jaw dropped.

My forehead crease as I look around....a police station?...or is it a mental constitution for criminals?

"What does Kim Taehyung wants in a place like this?" I ask.

"So...he's still visiting her." Bomi-unni sigh.

Who's her?

"He's going out! Let's go!" Bomi-unni get off the car and we trail behind Taehyung.As we went inside the institution,I can't help it but to feel really scared.

"Hey! There's a sexy babe~" One of the prisoners whistled.

Ewwww! Ewww! Ewww!!!!

I shook my head and focuse on Taehyung.We sat on a table near him as he seems to be waiting for someone.

"Hey,ChanHyun." Bomi-unni nudge me "Why are you following Kim Taehyung? Let's just go home."

She doesn't believe me?

"I told you already! I'm marrying him!" I said just above a whisper "Just like you and BaekHyun-oppa."

"Jinjja? I mean...it seems so unrealistic." She then smile warmly "Now it reminds me of BaekHyun."

"Tsk! He's still courting you r-"

"Shh! She's here." She cover my mouth and turn me around to look at Taehyung and...Taeyeon?

"Let's get closer." I said then drag Bomi-unni behind the table Taehyung is on.

Sorry I've been dragging you so much unni~

"What do you want?" I heard Taeyeon ask.

"I'm getting married."

"So what? Focus on your fiancé then.That's nothing to me Kim Taehyung.Why are you even coming here? I'm not your obligation."

"It's an arrange marriage.I don't like her." He continue to talk as if Taeyeon didn't say anything and it just hurts somewhere in my chest...what's his relationship with her?

"Taeyeon,when will you change? Everything out of here is doing fine.Everything is placed where it should be...only the two of us seems so lost.Forget BaekHyun-hyung,get better and get out of here.I'll be here,waiting for you."

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