I heard him chuckle and suddenly he reached around me, I jerked backwards to avoid his hand at my stomach and bumped into him, he took my loofa and I immediately forced myself against the wall again. "Hey!" I mistakenly glanced over my shoulder to see him washing his filthy crotch off with my loofa. I turned my head away so quickly at the sight that I smacked it off the wall.

"We have a color system!" I yelled.


"What color is that?"

"Oh shit, it's turning brown."

He laughed again. "Quit being so uptight. It's called a joke."

"The color system Nolan. I explained this to all of you! You are green! Pink is mine!" I had possibly over stepped my boundaries in creating the color system, I was worried the guys would think I was nuts but as it turned out they loved it.

And now my loofa was on Nolan's...his...well, his dick.

"Oh yeah. That shit's so stupid."

I popped my foot up and kicked him in the leg.

"You just bought yourself fifteen more seconds."

"This is sexual harassment."

"So sue me." He muttered.

"I-well-I- Maybe I will!"

"Cool. I'll pay you the thousands you've earned already and you can use it for a lawyer and I'll go ahead and use my millions for an even better one. Let me know how it works for you. You know what else doll face, this is my shower and my tour. There was nothing in your contract about us providing transportation, or hospitality anyway. If you wanted to be technical, I'm doing you a favor by letting you ride here and use my shower. You'd be mighty screwed if we decided to go ahead and let you provide your own transportation. A lot of showers you'd get then spending all your time driving or at the show. You'd probably be so sleep deprived you'd crash your car. Unless you want to pay for your own driver." He snorted. "Because you can afford that, huh?"

When I had nothing to say in response to say in response he simply kept it going himself.

"In fact, while I'm here I might as well claim my five minutes."

I wished I was as small as I felt. There really wasn't anything I could do here. I could turn around and force him about but then he would see all of me. As it was now I could hardly breathe. I felt tears prickling in my eyes and being wet but out of the stream of water I was freezing and shivering.

"I'll scream. At the top of my lungs." I threatened.

"Yeah. You could do that. Won't make a difference to me. Everyone would come in in no time that's for sure. But I suspect you don't really want everyone to see this cute little dimple-" When Nolan's hand brushed lightly along my rear end in a gentle caress I could take no more.

"Get out!" I screamed much louder than I had intended, my voice breaking as the humiliation and frustration at having no control over such a situation was simply too much.

"Chill out, I'm just fȕcking with you."

"Just go." I pleaded.

"Not with you shítting yourself in here. You honestly think it's that big of a deal? It's a pėnis Carter, I'm sure you've seen one before even if just in some high school anatomy class and I know I've seen plenty of pȕssy."

I groaned in frustration and moments later the door came crashing open followed by the shower door.

Nolan was dragged out of the shower in a mess of yelling and cursing.

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