The Knight In Shining Armor

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"Good Mia, now, over bridle and give him his head. Perfect!" Bailey Morrows, my trainer and friend, instructed me from the middle of the pen. Posting at my bay gelding, Cavallo's, easy trot, I guided him through the cones. After rounds of cone weaving, Bailey told me to bring him in.
"How'd I do?" Sliding off Cav's broad back, I undo the throat latch on my bridle, and slip on the neon green halter.
" I'd say we're ready for the show this weekend. That ride was flawless! You and Cavallo looked amazing." Bailey and I started walking up to the hill to the top of the barn. All we had been talking about for the last two months was the Regional Championship that was this weekend. Cavallo and I had been training for months just to qualify for this show, and we had finally made it.
" Yes! I've been waiting to hear that all year!" This comment made Bailey laugh, and I had no choice but to join in. We were back up at the barn, and I led Cavallo to his stall. Bailey waited outside, and I started untacking. I walked out of the stall and placed my saddle on the stand outside Cav's stall.
" Well, you two are most definitely prepared for that show. You'll most likely come home with a first." This thought made me smile. I finished untacking and grooming Cav, making sure to latch his stall. Cavallo had a history of opening his stall door and escaping. I pat his big, soft, bay nose.
" Good boy. See ya on Friday! Don't hurt yourself." I gently scolded my horse before turning away and walking out of the barn.



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