Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

I was stuck in a room with five idiots that kept pissing me off, I needed to escape but I was tied down to a metal chair. The room was pure white, the only splashes of colour were the clothes people were wearing. The chair was cold on my skin and it felt like I was ice, it was freezing. As much as I tried though I couldn't escape and I was starting to go crazy. Then a blinding light came over me. I couldn't see anything, I could do anything. I felt dead. 


The sun from outside was shining in my face and my alarm clock was blaring loud, it was already 7:30 a.m. School started in an hour. I practically jumped out of bed and straight into the shower, the warm water woke me up. It soothed all the knots and kinks out of my poor skin, it washed away all the stress of the past night. 

I slipped on my volunteer shirt from one of the towns events and some sweat capris, I pulled my long hair into a french braid. I left all make up off, I didn't feel like make up today. I slipped my IPhone into my pocket and started shoving my things into my backpack. I snatched a pop tart and ran out the door with my Nikes on my feet and my backpack slung over my shoulder. I started eating my cookie dough flavoured pop tart 

I started down the street towards to school, it was 7:50 so I had enough time to get up to get up to the school and hang with my friends for a few minutes. All I could hope was that I didn't have to hear a single word of One Direction news today. If I did then I think I might stab some one to death. 

They had pissed me off more then enough last night, keeping me up late then getting into my dreams made me hate them more then anything. If only I could forget that night, and my humiliation. I needed a change but that wasn't the change I was looking for, maybe I'll get sent on a mission soon. Hopefully. 

I walked in through the front doors of the school and found the usual beautiful clean school, I loved this school. I walked down through the crowded halls to find my locker area empty, like usual. The posters for the end of the year dance were already up and everyone was already starting to crowd them. When I got to my locker Laura was already waiting there. I smiled, I could only hope that she wouldn't bring up the night before. 

"Sup," I said to her. I rolled the combination for my locker in before I pulled it open. I shoved my back pack in the bottom and pulled out my math binder, not that I really needed to go to math. I was told that was a math genius. I was the top in the school, my very best subject. 

"Not to much, just the fact that you're on the front of the paper," she said casually. I whipped around to face her. Why in the world would I be on the front of the paper? 

"WHAT!?" I demanded. She pulled a paper out of her binder and handed to me. I looked at the caption that read 'One Direction Hitting On A New Girl?' I was furious. The picture underneath it though only showed me with my head in my hands so you couldn't tell it was me. If it had shown me then if would have been taken down, the agency used a large amount of money to keep our faces out of the news. 

"Some one from the paper must have been there that night, you better be happy they didn't get your picture though," she told me seriously. I couldn't stop staring at the picture. This will ruin me. My life will be gone forever. 

"Last night I stayed home, right?" I asked her. She nodded her head with a smile that said 'this will never get out.' I smiled, she was always there for me. No matter how silly or serious that matter was she would always help me.  

"Exactly. Come on now, Jenna will be here soon," she told me. At that minute my phone went off, I'd gotten a text. I pulled it out of my pocket and unlocked it to reveal a message from the paper I worked at. It was my boss. 

The Life Of A Spy (a One Direction Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz