I gave her a long speech about why I wanted this job and she looked very persuaded .

(i didn't write it because it would be too boring) For the whole interview she kept asking my techniques and stuff like that which I was happy to answer.The interview was coming to an end and it was time for her to make up her mind. (no pun intended but if u get it I love you I'm soo awkward)

"So Ms Stevens you have showed me your passion and interest in this job and I'm very pleased to tell you that you got the job."

"Thank you for giving me the pleasure to work with you have a good day!"

"I walked outside and saw Simon on his phone in the car ,I tried to look quite disappointed to trick him that I didn't get it .

"Sooo how did it go?" He asked I still kept my disappointed look on my face

"I I I GOT IT !!!!"

"Congrats !!! why did yo look soo disappointed then?"

"I was trying to trick you"

"Wow you're really bad at that anyway we should celebrate"

"I can't tonight Tobi's picking me and Josh up and we're gonna have dinner sorry."

"I doesn't mean we can't have a drink"

"You're right have we got some at home?"

"Jen you're staying at a place with four guys what do you think?"

"Oh sorry mate" I said in a really retarded voice

We giggled and kept making silly jokes in the car till we got home.

"Ayy look who it is!" Vikk opened the door

"Ello mate!"

"Did you get it?"



"Thanks helmet boy Josh back yet?"



I headed to my room to edit a video for tonight and check my email .

(An hour later)

Finish and upload.I headed downstairs to grab a snack .Someone knocked on the door it was Josh!

"Hello Mr Zerker!"

"Hello potato head how was it?"

"I'll tell you later, did Tobi tell you we're gonna have dinner?"

"Yep what time is it again?"

"He's gonna pick us up at 5"

"Okay then I'm gonna edit for a little while" He messed up my hair and headed upstairs.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed my chips that I have been saving for about three days and then Simon walked in.

"Hey do you wanna film a video together?" he looked at me and asked

"Sure, what video?"

" A Q and A for mine and what do you want for yours?"

"Umm how about a would your rather?"

"Sounds fun do you wanna film it now?"

"Yea,I'm gonna find a website for the would you rather"


I headed into my room to find some would you rathers for the video while Simon looked for good questions on twitter.After awhile I found some good ones soo I headed it into his room to film.

"You ready?" He asked as I walked in he already set up everything .

"yup lets film your's first"

"Okay then"

We started filming and everything was great I was having fun until the second last question

(question) Are you guys going out?

I was really confused why he picked this question but then I was fine with it.We looked at each other and giggled .So we answered

"N-" He cut me off

"Not yet anyways" I blushed and Simon looked at me .

"Okay next question"

(question) "what is your favourite colour?"

"Red!" we said in unison

"No that's my favourite colour" Simon argued

"No it's mine u mongoloid"

"Fine It's ours then"

We giggled then ended the video.

"SEE YA" we shouted in unison

We decided not to film my video since I already had one for tomorrow and that I had to get ready for dinner.



OMY GOODNESS I HIT 100 READS ON THIS STORY!!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR READING IT AHHH.Also I didn't add the dinner in because its late and i need to sleep BAIIIIII

I'm yours - miniminter ffWhere stories live. Discover now