Chapter four

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"Do you want another shirt, one that actually fits?" Isaac asked.

"Nah It's not a big deal." I said smiling.

He ignored my answer and gave me one of his shirts, it was short sleeved and green.

"Thanks" I said, making him smile back. I took off Derek's shirt noticing Isaac's worried stare. I looked down selfconsciously and looked at the reddish mark on my abdomen.

"Look. I-it's nothing" I said placing my hand on his shoulder after quickly taking on my shirt. He nodded slightly.

"Well, I'll be downstairs sleeping if you need anything, okay?" He asked and walked toward the door.

"Look, I should be the one sleeping on the couch, you don't-"

"No, no, you sleep in the bed"

"Why... D-don't we just both sleep in the bed then? I mean it's big enough for both of us..." I trailed off.

"Uh sure, why not?" He smiled and stripped to only his boxers. His V-line was showing and I couldn't help but stare. I looked further up to his abs, he was in really good shape, I looked further up to his lips and then further up, looking him in the eyes only to see him staring back into my eyes, onbviously knowing I was checking him out. God that is so embarrassing.

"I wasn't...-" I started.

"No no, I know" he smirked lifting his brow.

I awkwardly walked toward the bed and saw him following. We both laid down under the covers, him a bit closer than expected, I could feel his warm body close to mine. It felt oddly nice. I had thought we would sleep top and tail, which is why I was a bit surprised when he had laid down next to me, his hot breath fanning my neck, giving me Goosebumps and a funny feeling in my gut.


The next morning I felt myself cuddled into to Isaac. We were in a spoon position, with him being the big spoon, protecting my small one. I tried to move my hands around him but he had entwined our fingers. I couldn't move anything but my head. I slowly lifted my head to see the clock, and was surprised to hear a loud ring from it. Isaac was now awake, he looked up, and turned off the clock with the other hand that wasn't intwined with mine. He turned to look at my face expression, making him quickly untangle himself from me, and running his hands though his hair.

"Good morning" he huskily mumbled with a sheepish smile.

"Morning" I mumbled and got up, fumbling to get my pants on

"You don't wanna wear those again, take something from my closet."

"Uhmm.. Thanks" I said with a shivery voice. I had never experienced being so close to a human being I had met literally a day ago. He was just so outgoing and talkative. I felt like I'd known him for a longer time than I actually had. And after us sleeping in the same bed, we were defiantly closer already. Suddenly he got up, those abs had me staring at him again, I mentally slapped myself out of it. I took some brown pants from his closet isnce they looked the nicest, and I caught him looking at me while taking the pants on. He slightly chuckled for himself when he saw which pants I had picked out.

"What? Do they not fit me?" I asked teasingly.

"No they fit you perfectly, it's just..." He trailed off getting really close to me, grabbing something, I don't know what, but I could feel his hand lightly grazing my crouch. "...You have a great style, those are my favorite pants" he said and zipped my pants, so that's what it was, he was grabbing my zipper and not my crouch. I got somehow relieved and anxious. No guy zip another guys zipper. I looked up at his beautiful eyes.

"I'll just keep the shirt on then" I said shivering.

"Ok" he simply said. suddenly I heard another voice.

"Good morning, guys." Derek said from the door. I pushed Isaac away as fast as possible, but only managing to push him two steps away. "What's going on" he added with a curious yet teasing look.

"Nothing" Isaac said surprisingly casual and put on pants and a shirt.

"I'll hit the shower first, one of you can take it later." He said walking towards the bathroom.

"Wanna get some breakfast before shower?" Isaac asked already dressed.

"Sure" I said. We went downstairs preparing breakfast.

Stisaac/SterekOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora