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"You did what?!" The Dolorosa's voice echoed throughout the cave. Meenah shuddered, biting her lip as even her find recoiled at the harsh tone coming from the female troll's mouth. "I may or m-may not have accidentally broke some skin when I f-fell against a rock and...." She heard Kankri trail off. This was all her fault. She couldn't believe she let him get in trouble like this.

After a few hours of yelling from both members, the fires finally calmed down and Kankri returned to sit down next to Meenah as the Dolorosa sat across from them. She looked with an angered expression at Kankri every few moments as they sat in silence. "Well, I suppose there is no use in denying it now, Empress." The Dolorosa spat at the last word, and Meenah shrank back. It was obvious that Kankri told her everything. "Kankri is indeed a mutant." She gave Meenah a fierce glare. "I assume you'll call your guards at any given moment?" Meenah shook her head. "N-never! Kankri's my friend! I could never do that!" She protested. "I can't hurt my friends." With those to sentences, the Dolorosa's expression softened. "Really?" She asked. Meenah nodded. "That's nice to know." The acidity had returned to the adult troll's voice. "We have to relocate Kankri. I'm sorry, I just cannot trust any seadwellers that know your secret, including the Empress. You seem like a nice girl Meenah. I'm sure you'll understand." Meenah nodded, saddened.

"We'll leave tomorrow. You must go, Meenah." The Dolorosa said, standing up. "Bye." Kankri hugged his friend for the final time, small pools of tears forming in his eyes. "I'll see you soon, I promise." He said, letting go. "Of course." Meenah agreed, a little choked up herself. "Go along, Meenah." A small tinge of sadness even being hinted in the Dolorosa's voice. "Farewell." And with that, Meenah bolted into the ocean, her tears mixed in with the salty ocean water.


Meenah awoke in her bed chambers a few days later, sitting up almost automatically. The black rings under her eyes had faded with the rest, and she was ready for the day. Coronation was a big deal, and she couldn't wait. She would finally be the true empress.

She walked slowly over to her vanity, which was stationed in a large bathroom that was connected to her chambers. She looked at herself in the mirror as she combed her long hair, occasionally braiding a few stands and putting gold beads with jewels in them over the strands to give extra flare. She then looked at a small ring she had pierced in her webbed fingers in the mirror. It had a single, bright red jewel. It reminded her of her old friend, whom she hadn't seen in several sweeps. A look of sorrow crossed her face as she donned her crown, with her family emblem, a Pisces symbol, engraved in a beautiful jewel in the front and center.

She finished getting ready and she exited the room, looking at her finest. She had definitely changed over the years. She had more curves, larger fins, a more sassy attitude, and condescension like no other. In fact, that was her new title- Her Imperious Condescension. She walked down the halls with a sashaying motion, a complete change from when she was younger. But one thing definitely didn't change from when she was a young troll.

"Wwhat's up, your majesty?" A familiar lisp caught her ear. "Cronus, I ain't dealin' with your culls*** today." She grumbled, an annoyed expression replacing her regal one. "Wwhat are you talkin' about, I'm merely strikin' up convversation." "Go sail with the fishes, Cronus. I don't like your 'small talk'." She made quotation marks with her fingers around 'small talk'. Cronus had a funny look on his face for a moment before leaving. Meenah sighed, and continued walking to her throne room.

Luckily, her throne for this time of year was above water, which meant many lowbloods servants could carry out their deeds, while seadwellers delivered them to the empress when she was below water. As the made her way to her above-water throne room, she was stopped by a girl, barely smaller than her with a black and green dress, along with furbeast-like horns, and two sharp teeth that resembled those of a furbeast as well. "Good morning, your majesty!" The servant chirped, a smile on her face. Her smile always cheered the Condesce up- it was almost unnatural, but that's what she found special in the girl. "Good morning, Meulin. Are all preparations going swimmingly?" The Condesce asked. "Of course, miss. Perfect." "Thank you." The Condesce nodded, and the girl ran off.


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