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Meenah swam quickly back to her home underwater, her heart pounding in anticipation because she knew how much trouble she would be in if her guardian found out she was out without permission. It would be 'unfitting for the future empress to be out places where she couldn't prosper'. She rolled her eyes at the thought, looking forward and noticing her home up ahead.

Luckily, she had made sure to undress from the violet blooded garb and was back in her normal outside attire, but she decided to hide her bag within small coral reef near the beach.

She quickly approached the entrance of the underwater palace, stepping down through the front gates slowly as she entered, looking around to see if anyone was there. She breathed out a sigh of relief as she started to sprint towards her chambers.

She had almost gotten there before a cold hand clasped her shoulder, and she almost tripped. "What do you think you're doing?" A cold voice asked as she turned around, a little scared for who might've grabbed her. Of course, it was her caretaker. "Oh, Menine, you scared me." She breathed out a sigh of relief as she looked into the stern eyes of the violet blood that she had stolen the clothing from. "What is it?"

"Where were you? You missed your class today." The seadweller asked with an annoyed tone, a scowl on his face. "I-I was, uh, hunting for Gl'bgolyb?" She tried as her guardian's eyes narrowed. "We already have people who do that for you." Meenah looked away in defeat as Menine sighed. "I'll let you go this once. Do not miss again." And with that, he left.

Meenah groaned softly, but was happy he let her off the hook. She started to walk to her original destination, thinking about the next day. All she had to do was avoid Menine and-

"Wwhat's up?" Speak of the devil.

"Cronus, do you just hang around here glubbing all day and wait for me to come? Why are you never off 'sailing the ocean' like you say you want to do?" Meenah grumbled as he blocked her path. She wasn't as tall as him just yet, but she still had a way of intimidating him. "Wwell, I'm just checking to make sure you're doin' o-okay, like I wwas instructed to do so wwhen wwe wwere younger." He rubbed the back of his head as Meenah was trying to comprehend the words through his lisp. "Well, just consider that deal on hold for now." She huffed, shoving him out of the way.

"If you're gonna just leave me like this, at least tell me what you're doin' wwhen you go out." He crossed his arms with a smirk as she froze. "I-it's none of your business! Now go swim with the fishes!" She growled as she quickly went through the doorway into her chambers.

She was supposed to meet Kankri the next day, which she was super excited about, but with all the suspicion starting to rise, she was debating if it would be possible or not. It was hard enough going out on other days, but with Menine and Cronus now on the 'lookout', she wasn't sure she could do it. "UUUGGGH." She groaned as she collapsed onto her bed, grasping a handful of hair on each side of her head in anger.

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