"You're surprised that I thought you would love me back?" His sudden change of subject brings me to a still. "You can't imagine that I believe you would?" He continues while looking at me through hooded eyes.

I begin to fidget nervously as I stare at the unpredictable man-no, vampire- in front of me. He was obviously drunk and unstable, so I wasn't sure how to act around him. I look away from his eyes and glance at my brown duvet before responding, "What are you talking about Damon? Where is all of this coming from?"

"Don't act clueless, all we've been doing here means something. You're the liar Elsa. There is something going on between the two of us and you know it," He growls as he begins walking towards me in a predatory manner.

Gulping, I shuffle away from him but he was a man on a mission- continuing towards me. Annoyance and desperation begins to build within me. Hastily, I throw my hands up to stop him from coming closer.

"Damon, you know how I feel about you! I've told you that I do have feelings for you. But I need time- time to straighten myself and my priorities out first. Why can't you understand that?!" I exclaim, attempting to make him think rationally.

However, he takes no heed to my words as he suddenly materializes in front of me whilst cupping my cheeks. "You're ready.. you're lying to me, you're lying to your sister, and most of all you're lying to yourself. I can prove it."

The drunk and unreasonable vampire suddenly leans forward to kiss me but his breath reeked of alcohol causing me to cringe.

I push at him, as he continues leaning in, "No, Damon.. Stop! You're drunk, stop!" However, he ignores my protests and silences me with his soft lips. I would have given into him, but the revolting taste of alcohol had me pushing away.

"Am I lying about this? Why won't you just give in?" The words are soft and whispered as he gazes into my eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes that usually had my heart pumping and cheeks flushed, now had me in fear. Fear of what he would do if I continued to push him away. But I had to, because I needed to fix my life first and make him understand.

"Damon, stop! I told you that I'm not ready. You're better than this, come on!" I exclaim while trying to keep my voice down and hoping no one heard the commotion.

He shakes his head while his hands continue to hold my face, "That's where you're wrong." Tears spring into my eyes as he tried to kiss me again.

I push against him harder, turning my face, "No, no Damon. I care about you. Listen to me, I love you. I do.. I'm not ready yet, I need to fix my life! I'm still married and I am pregnant.. Give me a little time!"

"Elsa, what's going on in here?" Jeremy questions as he appears in my doorway. I pull myself away from Damon and cross my arms.

"Nothing Jeremy, it's ok. Just go back to bed." I reassure my baby brother, sending him a shaky smile. However, Damon steps away from me while eyeing Jeremy with wicked intent.

"No it's not ok Elsa," He says, looking to Jeremy then to me. "He wants to be a vampire.." Using his vampire speed, he suddenly had Jeremy against the wall; holding him by his throat.

My heart kicks into overdrive as I scream and run up to them. Using all my strength, I try to pry the unstable bastard off of my brother but he merely shrugs me away, "No! Damon, stop!"

I continuously try to pull him away but my strength obviously does not match up to him. Frantically, I look around for some form of weapon, but to my anger there is none.

Damon continues to ignore my cries and protests as he speaks to my brother, "You want to turn off the pain? It's the easiest thing in the world. The part of you that cares just goes away! All you have to do is flip the switch and snatch!"

Mrs. Lockwood → damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now