Chapter 13

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Elodia's POV

So, Alyssa has been begging for me to come to dinner with Gerard and the guys.

I said no. She keeps begging. It's getting really annoying. She won't stop until I say yes.

"Mom please please please." She kept repeating please over and over.

I give up. This kid won't stop. She's just like Gerard. Won't stop begging until he gets what he wants.

"Fine. I'm going."

"Yess!! Mom remember it's later. 7 PM sharp. Dress nicely! Yipee!" She said skipping and dancing.

I shook my head and laughed. Yup she's definitely Gerard's daughter.

I checked the time. It was 5:40 PM. 2 hours left before dinner. I'll get ready then.

I went to my room and opened my closet.

I took out a black dress with a V- neck.

This was the dress I wore when Gerard proposed to me.

The reason why I'm gonna wear this dress is to show Gerard that I still love him. If he sees it. I also love this dress.


Okay this is it. Deep breaths.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Okay I'm ready.

I went downstairs to see my daughter and Frank.

"Hey Frank and Alyssa."

They turned their heads to me.

"Wow mom. You look.. Amazing." Alyssa complimented.

"Yea you do look amazing."

"Thank you Frank and Alyssa."

"You ready mom?" Alyssa asked.


Then we three headed to the fancy restaurant that Alyssa said.

Okay. This play is really fancy. Damn. It didn't have to be that fancy.

Me, Frank and Alyssa walked towards the table that Ray was sitting.


"Hi Elodia."

"Hi Ray. And Hi Gerard."

He smiled shyly. Awwwee so cute.

"Let's start dinner."


"Bye mom and dad we need to go."

"What? Where are you guys going?"


"Have fun with your date with dad mom."

Date?! What!!

I stared at them walking away.

"Ummm okay.."

"So... Gerard how's it going?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"It's been good. Thanks for letting me meet my daughter Elodia." He said smiling at me. Damn.

"You're welcome."

"So Elodia.. When are you going to tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"You know."

"Oh, I don't know."

"You need to tell her Elodia. She's born by royal blood and she has to know."

"But how?"

"It's your choice Elodia."

"I'll try.."

He nodded at me.

It was an awkward silence. Then he broke it off.

"I still love you Elodia you know..."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's what you always say Gerard."

"I do Elodia. I really do!"

"If you love me then you should have thought about that before you cheated on me!" I said screaming a little not to get customers attention.

"I was sorry! I wasn't thinking straight!"

"That's it Gerard. I'm leaving." I said then took some money out of my wallet and left it at the table, walking out. Followed by Gerard.

He pulled my wrist that made me face him.

"I love you Elodia, I always do."

"Bullshit Gerard! Stop saying you love me when you cheated on me! Fucking another girl in your bunk then telling Frank she was just a friend! What's that Gerard?! Friends with benefits?! What the fuck! Stop saying you love me when you don't even know what love is!!" I screamed.

"I don't know what love is?" He said almost shouting. "I don't know what love is?!" He finally shouted.

"Yes you don't Gerard so stop acti-" I was cut off my his lips. Kissing me passionately, then pulling away.

"I didn't know what love was." Gerard paused. "Until I met you." Completing his sentence.

A/N: okay this chapter is for littlegeeway she wanted me to update so I updated. Happy now Alyssa? 😂✌🏻️ okay that's all! Bye!~

Lost And Found (Sequel to Gerard Way Is My Teacher)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon