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Duryodhan still didn't leave them. He started saying that the Pandavas had won by cheating. He just couldn't accept the fact that his brothers have succeeded.
He made another decision.
He said, "The Pandavas have some how succeeded, but I won't accept such a fake win. Now this is final. They should battle with me. Whoever wins the Dharm yudh( the kurushethra battle), would be crowned the king of Hastinapur."

Yudhisthir hesitates at first but later he accepts it as there was no other way.

Krishna many times pleaded Duryodhan and Dritarashtra to avoid the war, but no change was seen.

So,finally...war was to happen 100%.

Finally the day of war had come. Millions and billions of horses,foot Soldiers and chariots were there. I was waiting for this particular day to seek my vengeance for the insult I faced.
The war proceeded for 18 days. As my father wanted, my brother Dhristadyumna killed Dronacharya.
And to seek revenge on Bhishma, Shikhandini, my sister who was Amba in her previous life, aided Arjun to kill Bhishma. And as my arya Bheem said, he killed Dushasan,broke his arm, drank his blood and bought some blood for my unanswered hair. I happily washed my hair with his blood and tied it. The war kept going on and the Kauravas' army kept on decreasing day by day.
But what happened on the seventeenth day literally broke my heart.
Arya Arjun had beheaded Karna. I don't no why but somewhere I felt guilty and pain for him. He was no one to me. But why this type of troubled feeling? I got my answer. I did love him. I felt as if my life is empty and incomplete without him. The bright colors of my life had already started to fade and now it's completely vanished. I don't feel like before. I have my five husbands, but I still wanted wanted him to be with me forever. But I put my thoughts aside as I have not yet been avenged completely.

On the last day of was arya Bheem and Duryodhan chose mace fighting. But actually due to Duryodhan's mother Ghandari, his body had become iron except for his thighs. They kept on fighting but arya Bheem could not harm him at all.
But later, on Krishna's advice, Bheem hit his thighs and let him to die.
*the rules of mace fight is not to hit below waist. But Krishna, to fulfill his Sakhi's vow and also to defeat him told Bheem to hit Duryodhan on thighs.

Later, at night...

Ashwathama, in order to avenge his father's as well as other Kuru warriors' deceitful killing by the Pandavas, attacks their camp with his uncle Kripa and Kritavarma. Invoking Lord Shiva for this purpose,Ashwathama killed Dhrishtadyumna,Shikhandi, Upapandavas, and the remaining Pandava and Panchala army, asuming the Upapandavas to be Pandavas.
In the morning, Yudhishthir hears the news and asks Nakul to bring Draupadi from Matsya kingdom.

Draupadi vows that if the Pandavas don't kill Ashwathama, she will kill herself by fasting till death. Yudhishthir tries to console her, reminding her of Ashwatthama's immortal status. Draupadi then says she will be pacified if the Pandavas can bring her the jewel from Ashwatthama's head. The Pandavas find Ashwatthama at Vyasa's hut. Arjun and Ashwatthama end up firing Brahmashirsha astra at each other. Vyasa intervenes and asks the two warriors to withdraw the destructive weapon. Arjun is able to withstand the weapon but not endowed with the knowledge to do so, Ashwatthama instead redirects the weapon to Uttara's womb, killing the Pandavas' only heir. Krishna curses him for this act; as part of his penance, Ashwathama gives his gem to the Pandavas and thus, Draupadi is pacified, i.e, Uttara's womb is protected.

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