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Like other epic characters, Draupadi is referred to by multiple names in the Mahabharat. Her names are as follows:

Draupadi - daughter of Drupad.

Krishnaa - one who has a dark complexion.

Panchali - one from the land of Panchal.

Yajnaseni - one born from a Yajnaor fire-sacrifice.

Drupadkanya - the daughter of Drupad.

Sairandhri - an expert maid (her assumed name during her second exile in which she worked as Virat kingdom's queen Sudeshna's hair-stylist).

Mahabharati (महाभारती) - great wife of the five descendents of Bharata.

Parshati - the granddaughter of Prishata.

Nitayuvani - one who never becomes old.

Malini - one who makes garlands.

Yojanagandh - she whose fragrance can be felt for miles.
* Yojananagandh is the name of Satyavati, the fisherman's daughter, given to her by the sage Parasara. She was earlier known as Matsyagandha because of the odour of fish she carrried. The Adiparva of the Mahavarata describes how Maharshi Parasara was attracted by Satyavati's beauty while sailing in her boat in the river Yamuna and mated with her in the boat. This unison of the couple eventually led to the birth of the sage Krushna Dwaipayana Vyasa, the author of the epic Mahabharata. Satyavati or Matsagandha was renamed by Parasara as Yojanagandh meaning 'one whose fragrance could be felt from miles (Yojana) afar.'

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