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"I have planned to arrange a swayamvar for my daughter tomorrow. It should be very grand and the test for the Kings should be very very tough. "

"As you wish maharaj."

In the Swayamvar of Draupadi, the princess of unequalled beauty, where the Kings and Princes gathered in hundreds, each eager to marry the princess. King Drupad arranged a contest. At the center of the hall a mechanical device was erected; on it was placed a revolving object in the shape of a fish. The reflection of this revolving fish could be seen in the water below. A very heavy bow was kept nearby. Any one who desired the hand of Draupadi in marriage had to lift the huge bow, bend it and tie the bowstring, then, looking at the reflection, he had to take aim with five arrows and bring down the rotating fish. Such a one would be a hero worthy of Draupadi's hand. Many of the assembled kings retreated, as soon as they heard of this contest. The hundreds of princes who had come to marry Draupadi were all beaten.

Both Krishna and Draupadi appear for the first time together in the Swayamvar Sabha and make decisive interventions.
But when Panchali saw Karna, she was strongly attracted to him. But Krishna had warned her not to accept Karna.

It was Karna's turn. He lifted the bow, stringed it and was about to aim.

Just then Draupadi, half heartily said, "Stop it Angaraj! How dare you, a charioteer's son, participate in my Swayamvar!"

*in some versions it is said that Draupadi was quite possessed about Karna. But later when she got to know he was from a low caste, she rejects him.

Karna, deeply disappointed and frustrated, left the Swayamvar.

Pandavas in disguise of brahmins came to the Swayamvar Sabha, and Arjuna won Draupadi by piercing with arrow, the eye of a moving fish on a high pole. Other than Pandavas, kings and princes became very angry and it is her Sakha, Krishna, who steps in to put an end to the skirmish between the furious kings and the disguised Pandavas.
Draupadi was happy that she married Arjun and she loved him a lot!

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