-Not the Lady Way-

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  Lady Éclair POV 

As we quickly arrived at the manor, I couldn't help but be nervous. The Madam's sisters haven't come to visit since I was so young why is Madame Queenie here and for what reason. I got out the car and walked inside the manor. Mr. Uchiha followed close behind. "Mr. Uchiha we have to change our clothes be for Quee- "There you are Lady Éclair and what is this a man in the manor." Madam Queenie said. "Hello my name is Sasuke Uchiha I am the new owner of this organization sorry to have kept you waiting." Sasuke introduced. "You...! You're the new owner that my sister entrusted her organization to." Madam Queenie said in discuss. She sucked her teeth. "For shame in my sister. Choosing a male to run this place. I always knew she was a foolish person." she said. I looked at the Master and he looked quite annoyed at her insults. That's when I pulled the courage to speak up. "With all do respect Madam- "Hush! Did I ask you to speak. Don't think you're off the hook either. I expected more from you Lady Éclair leaving the manor unattended to do who knows what with the new boss." Madam Queenie scolded. I was at a loss of words. "You don't even deserve the title Lady. You should go back to that dirty orphanage that my sister picked you up from.Cause that's all you'll ever be." she said. I was shocked. I have never been insulted so badly before. I felt so embarrassed and wanted to cry. Oh how my heart ached.
Sasuke POV
I was shocked by what Queenie was saying. Why is Éclair just letting her say such things. "I've had enough! You by no means have the right to say what a Lady is. Talking down to a fellow Lady and talking bad about family. You don't even deserve to be called a person. Being I just met you today and I already dislike you shows how much of an annoyance you are. " I said. The woman looked shocked at my words then she folded her arms and scoffed. "I can say what I please about my sister. She was foolish to leave this organization just to get married to some man." she said. My eyes went wide at what she said and then I quickly glanced at Éclair.
Lady Éclair POV
"You lie!" I said. "The Madam is dead..." I said on the verge of tears. Then Queenie laughed. "Oh? Is that what she told you?" then she started laughing harder. I looked at Mr. Uchiha he was avoiding my gaze. "You knew?" I asked enraged. He looked at the ground and said, "I didn't know how to tell you." That's when it shattered all the trust I had for this organization shattered. "Awww poor child why don't you cry and show how much of a baby you are." Queenie said.
Sasuke POV
How rude of her. I was about to say something to Queenie, but then ... we were all hushed by a sound. I looked at Lady Éclair to see she had slapped Queenie across her face. I looked shocked at her. "You brat how dare you hit me." Queenie said holding her cheek.
Lady Éclair POV
"You're the worst. How dare you say such things. I could care less about what you say to me but.... You better be DAMNED insane if you think you can talk about the Madam that way! She was the nicest person that I knew and she will always be. You should learn something from her! Why don't you just Fucking leave because all you do here is criticize us . Your kind is not welcome here! " I exclaimed. At this point tears were streaming down my face. "Éclair please calm down this is not the way a Lady should speak. " Mr. Uchiha said. I looked at the floor. "You're right..." I said looking at him. "I QUIT!" I said.  

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