-Readying for the Dinner-

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"And this is where you will be sleeping from now on," I said pointing to the madams bed room. "You will be woken up every morning at 8:30a.m. Your wardrobe will be laid out there, are there any questions Mr. Uchiha," I said. "Yes how come I haven't seen your room?" he asked with a curious smirk. Men are never allowed in a lady's quarters. Never ." I explained. "Not even their new Boss," he asked. "Never," I said.
"Here are the rules of this organization. Written by the Madam herself. You have to memorize them and announce them every morning for the new fellow ladies. You are to look professional and show desency toward your fellow ladies. Is all that clear Mr. Uchiha," I asked. Mr. Uchiha was too busy observing the list of rules. "Mr. Uchiha?" I asked. He looked from the list to me and said, " I believe I understand." he said smirking. "Any more questions Mr. Uchiha," I asked. He thought and smirked then said. "Yes, is such a lovely lady like yourself going to be at my side at all times," he said taking my hand. I took my hand away from him but bowed slightly. "Yes it is my duty to stand by the Boss everyday." I said. His smirk grew wider. "Now if you excuse me I must get ready for the feast," I said leaving. Thank goodness I cannot take such insolence from such a man. He is a bother and to think he is my new boss. His constant flirting is a bother to me. Men aren't fit to be in charge. I made my way to the Madam. "Oh Éclair did you show Sasuke around," Madam asked. "Yes Madam I did if I may ask what shall I wear for the event?" I asked. "I want all my fellow ladies to wear a Kimono and please do let your hair down it is beautiful," she asked. "As you wish Madam," I said. "Oh and one more thing dear. May you please measure Sasuke and fit him in a Kimono we don't want the wrong size on him," she said. I bowed again. "As you wish Madam," I said before excusing myself. I walked to my quarters and changed into my Kimono

Afterwards I walked to Madams quarters to see Mr. Uchiha sitting in a chair observing the rules again. I knocked on the door and his gaze turned towards me. "Mr. Uchiha, Madam request that I take your measurements so you can get properly fitted for a Kimono," I said. I wasn't comfortable measuring a male but it is the Madam's wishes. Oh well.. "May I please ask you to remove your shirt?" I asked. He smirked and said ," Sure." He begun to remove his shirt and while he was in the process of doing that I was getting the measuring tape from Madam's supply box. Got it. I looked over to Mr. Uchiha. I gasped slightly at the sight of the man's well built body. Wow... I blinked a couple of times coming back from my trance. "Okay Mr. Uchiha spread your arms far apart like this," I said showing him. He did as told. I began to measure how tall he was, then his chest size then his waist size then the hips size. "Okay finished." I said writing down the last bit of information. "You may put your shirt back on Mr. Uchiha," I said. The Uchiha smirked and put back on his shirt. "I will come by with your Kimono in a couple of minutes and the dinner feast will be ready soon as well," I said bowing. "Lady Éclair you know you should wear your hair down more often it looks beautiful on you. " he said. The heat rose in my cheeks. "Thank you sir , Oh and sir speaking of hair we need to make yours look presentable," I said. He raised his eye brow at me. "What do you mean presentable, what is wrong with it?" he asked. "Nothing personal sir it's just not proper. I will have to- " "no," he said cutting me off. "Sir I have to m-" "I said no!," he yelled cutting me off. A sigh escaped my lips. Men these days are so aggressive and impatient but I will do something with that hair of his.

I looked at Mr.Uchiha he looked annoyed. I felt annoyed that he was annoyed with me. "If you exuse me I have work to do Mr. Uchiha," I said. I walked out the room and headed back to Madam." Here Madam, I have the measurings you wanted here you are," I said handing her the papers. "Thank you. Éclair are you feeling all right your cheeks are red," she asked. "I must be getting a small cold but it shouldn't be anything to worry over," I lied. This is the first lie I ever told to Madam since I was six. "Okay, Éclair," she smiled.
Sasuke POV
I stared at the long list of rules before. Madam is really strict.
Be in bed by 9:30? Must announce when entering or leaving? Must have a husband by twenty-one?
I smirked. I wonder who Lady Éclair will have as a husband.

L.A.D.Y (Sasuke Love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz