New Friends

161 7 1

CH. 19

*Nathan’s POV*

Yesterday was an… interesting day. Estrella took Max, Nayab, Jay and I to meet a friend of hers and this friend was a riot! She’s young and energetic. We all took such a liking to her that Jay promised tickets and back stage passes for her and a friend. I have a feeling that when we have our next LA concert, her and her friend will be pulled up on stage. I actually have been thinking a lot about the tour. People are going to see Estrella and Nayab with us everywhere we go and figure out everything. I know they’re worried about what the fans will say but it’s going to have to happen sometime. Max and I need to talk to the girls. It’ll be better for the world to find out before the tour, rather than during.

It’s about 9 in the morning and I’ve been up for about an hour. I couldn't really sleep all night. My mind is so wrapped up in my plans for the next few days that I can’t calm it down enough to sleep. I want to have Estrella sing for Scooter and have her sing with us on tour. I’ve only heard her sing once but it was amazing. Plus, she did an arrangement for a female vocal to one of our own songs! Imagine having a female voice in some of our songs! I can see some major hits.

As I look over I see Estrella sleeping so soundly I realize, I’ve only known Estrella for a week and a half and yet it feels like we’ve known each other our entire lives. So much has happened that I can’t help feel like it’s all meant to be. The past week and a half have turned my life upside down and inside out. Honest truth, I never want it to go back to how it was.

Estrella:             “What don’t you want to go back to how it was?”

Me:                   “Was I talking out loud? I'm sorry did I wake you?”

Estrella:             “Yes and Yes. It’s okay I like waking up to your voice. What time is it?”

Me:                   “9:15. Want some breakfast?”

Estrella:             “Yes please.”

I get up to go get her some breakfast hoping that I didn’t say too much. I come back with some eggs and toast to find an empty bed. She must be in the shower. Hey, my laptop is open. As I open it wider I see that she’s on WattPad. She’s in mid conversation with someone named ReadTheWrittenWord. Yet another one of her online friends I assume. I’m about to start reading the conversation when I hear someone open the bathroom door. I close the laptop lid a bit and turn to see a wet Estrella.

*Estrella’s POV*

I just got out of bed to take a shower but first I need to get onto my WattPad to talk to a friend. Jaycee is her name and she’s actually my very first online friend. She was my first fanfic and my first fanmily member to actually talk to me. She is such a talented writer! I love her writing. She blows my mind. As I got on I message her.

To: ReadTheWrittenWord

            Hey! So guess who’s in the UK?!!? Me!

From: ReadTheWrittenWord

            Omg! We should really get together! Maybe I’ll show you around London!

To: ReadTheWrittenWord

            I would love that! Mind if I bring a few friends? I came over here in a group.

From: ReadTheWrittenWord

            Not at all! How about we meet up today around 12:30? Meet in front of the London Eye?

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