Facts Tag! #2

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I already posted the rules and some facts last tag so I'll just answer the questions on this chapter

I was tagged by TuMaimes and here's the questions I got asked by her

1. What song are you listening to at the moment or last listened to?
sHe by Zayn

2. Do you have any siblings?

3. What's your favourite fanfic?
I have more than one so here are my favs
No homo (Larry)  by louvinglouis
Well, this is awkward (Lashton) by Larry_Lashton
Hi or Hey (Larry) by Larry_Lashton
There's heaps more but those are the top ones at the moment

4. What's your top 10 favourite bands/singers?
I only have a few favourite bands/singers, others I just listen to occasionally. My favs are 5sos, 1D and Zayn. Occasional ones are lm, tøp, Ed Sheeran, atl, fob and my guilty pleasure is some of JB's music.

5. What's your favourite OTP?
Hmm there's this thing called Larry Stylinson?

6. What's a secret talent you have?
I can fangirl at the speed of light 😂

7. What's your favourite emoji?

8. What time is it where you live?
8:46 am

9. Are you taken or single or lost in the interweb so you don't even have a social relationship?
*pats phone* *whispers* I love you

10. What's your favourite TV show?
Family Guy, How I Met Your Mother and American Idol (TEAM DALTON!)

11. Have you ever been to a concert?
I went to OTRA last year on the 11th of February and I'm seeing 5sos on their tour SLFL October 2nd this year! XD

12. If you could go on tour with any artist, who would it be?
1D so I could see all the adorable Larry moments

13. If there was one thing in history you could go back and change, what would it be?
The quality of the Wellington video

My questions for the tagged people:
1. Harry dressing like your grandmas couch or Harry dressing like a shower curtain?
2. Favourite superhero?
3. Favourite villain?
4. Top 10 favourite songs? 
5. How many posters do you have?
6. How many pictures/videos do you have in your camera roll at the moment?
7. Dirty or innocent jokes?
8. First celebrity that comes to mind?
9. Favourite Wattpad author?
10. What's your lock screen and home screen?
11. First cheesy joke that comes to mind?
12. Band merch or regular clothing?
13. Favourite avenger? (If you like marvel that is)

I tag:

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