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I need to rant about antis right now so here we go

So you know when articles include only Harry and Louis' name to get Larries attention when the article has nothing to do with them? Well 99% of the time if you scroll down to the comments of the article (keep in mind that absolutely no Larries have commented whatsoever) there'll be people saying

"Larry is not real! Larries disgust me and they should go die. You've ruined their friendship!"

And nobody even said anything about Larry! I'm so fucking over this, antis say how our opinions aren't valid, well how about they think about their opinions? Us Larries are just fangirling amongst each other, rarely fighting with the other side of the fandom but then antis come along and say all this shit when no one even said anything. I'm so over it, they need to leave us the fuck alone or else we'll return the insults, see how they like it? There's so much more to say about this but I'm getting too worked up so I'll stop this short rant.

Sorry you had to read this, I had to say it and all my friends are antis so I can't get an agreement for my point I've made here.

~Ally xx

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