|I Love You|

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You sat beside Carl's bed as he laid in his bedridden state. He hasn't woken up in six days ever since he got his eye shot out.

You honestly tried to act natural, as if you weren't dying inside, but you did come to see him as much as you can. Just not as much as Rick.

So, here you sit on Carl's bedside. The door was closed so you were alone with him for about 30 minutes before you had to help out with the community.

You had a gentle smile on your face as you grazed his hand with your hand.

You stared down at his sweaty face, probably from all the pain of the wound.

You chuckled a bit before speaking,"Man, look at us. We're both 16 and you lost an eye and I'm over here in pain seeing you this way."

You felt tears prick your eyes.

"Why did you have to be shot, huh? What kind of messed up world does this?!" You raised your voice a bit.

" Carl, why did you have to be like this...Y-You're my best friend! You can't just leave me like this! I need you! It was bad enough knowing that you were climbing over the walls and being a goddamn dumbass, but this is overstepping the bounds!" You began to sob as your vision blurred.

"S-So wake up you idiot! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" You began to yell not caring who would hear.

"Please..."You finally whispered,"Please just...just wake up...I love you." You said as you stared down at his face and tears dripping onto his.

Carl couldn't wake up, even if he tried. He heard every single thing she had said. He wanted to tell her he wanted to look after her, Judith, his dad, everyone he knew.

But, he couldn't move a limb.

"I love you,too,Y/N."

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now